Chapter 15 - The Secret Malfoy

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Draco pounded down the hallway so quickly he could feel the impact from every step shooting up through his legs. Hermione followed breathlessly behind him and as he reached the bedroom where his mother's voice had come from, he realized she was there, but he paid her no mind.

As soon as Draco's grey eyes fell onto Harriet and the way she was sitting hunched over on the side of the bed, his world shrank to include only her.

"Potter!" Draco called out as Harriet looked over and reached her hand out towards him.

The relief in her eyes when she saw Draco melted his heart.

Draco scrambled over to Harriet and took Narcissa's place after she knowingly moved out of the way before she was pushed aside by her frantic son.

"Potter, look at me. Look at me! Breathe, remember? Focus on your breathing." Draco calmly coached his omega while he splayed his elegant hands protectively over her belly.

Harriet's green eyes were fixed firmly on Draco's as she began to breathe slowly through her nose and out of her mouth exactly like they had been instructed in the muggle classes they had taken.

"That's it...that's it......good girl." Draco commended Harriet with a gentle smile of reassurance.

His heart was pounding in his chest but he made sure that to his mate, he appeared perfectly confident and relaxed.

"Oh, Harriet!" Hermione cried and knelt beside her friend.

Harriet looked over and noticed Hermione for the first time as her green eyes widened.

She forgot all about her breathing as she reached out to grab Hermione's hand.

"Get out of here, Granger!" Draco hissed as Harriet looked at Hermione and shook her head.

"No...." Harriet managed to whisper.

"Draco, we need to get the healer and the midwife." Narcissa said with a quiet urgency to her voice. Draco recognized his mother's tone well, it was the same one she had always used whenever he had been sick as a child.

Hidden concern, that's what Draco heard in Narcissa's voice.

Draco, Narcissa, and Hermione were all hovering so close to Harriet that their proximity, along with the physical and emotional shock of her labor starting made the omega dizzy and she weakly dropped Hermione's hand to shakily place her fingers on her temple.

"Step back! Both of you!" Draco snapped at his mother and Harriet's best friend as he watched his omega gently lay down on her side.

The room began to swim as Harriet felt all of the blood in her body rush to her head.

"We're only trying to help, Draco!" Narcissa retorted.

"Harriet! Are you alright?!" Hermione asked worriedly. She deliberately chose to ignore her old enemy and his mother.

"I'm.....alright." Harriet said weakly as that horrible feeling of lightheadedness gradually passed.

One hand drifted over her belly and she realized that she was frightened of when her next pain would begin, but Draco seemed to have everything under control.

"Both of you, out!" He snapped at his mother and Hermione.

Narcissa frowned and Hermione blinked pleadingly at Harriet. Draco glared at the other two omegas in the room and explained, "I'll call you both when we need you. Please.......send the healer and the midwife in."

The Secret Malfoy: A Drarry RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now