Chapter 4 - The Healer's News

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"There, there, my dear.....It's alright. You don't have to be afraid.....I'm here with you. I'm not going to let anything bad happen. I promise to protect you."

Those sweet, whispered sentiments were the first sounds that Harriet heard as her green eyes slowly fluttered open.

She sighed gently, feeling surprisingly relaxed.

Harriet noticed something.

She felt an unfamiliar sensation, a soothing, gentle motion over the firm curve of her swollen belly.

Harriet realized she was lying on her side and as she became more awake, she started suddenly when she recognized that something was drifting over her abdomen......

And she was no longer in her apartment.......

Comprehension swirled through Harriet's hazy mind.

She was in Malfoy manor and Draco was sitting by her bedside, tenderly petting her rounded womb!

Harriet jerked away from Draco so hastily that he jumped. He had been so focused on comforting his unborn that he failed to notice the baby's mother had woken.

"Get your hands off of me, Malfoy!" Harriet hissed, "I beg your pardon, but I don't need your protection!"

After he recovered from his sudden surprise, Draco scowled back at Harriet, "I wasn't talking to you, Potter! I was speaking to my child, thank you very much!"

Harriet stilled when her head started to throb again. As she relaxed back onto Draco's bed, she asked wearily, "Why......Why am I here?......You've abducted me."

"I've done no such thing!" Draco scoffed, "I came to escort you to the paternity test, wherever that will take place......and I found you unconscious in that shabby little flat of yours, with which I was very disappointed, Potter. I imagined you would still have enough left of your father's gold to afford something better....Anyway, I saw you weren't well and when I was unable to rouse you, I brought you here."

"Why didn't you take me to the hospital?!" Harriet asked groggily, raising a hand to her head.

"I don't know anything about muggle hospitals." Draco sneered, "Did you really want the attention that our sudden arrival in St. Mungo's would bring?"

Harriet swallowed while Draco went on, "Our family healer should be here shortly."

"I don't want a healer." Harriet murmured, "I'm fine."

Draco's sneer slipped into a dangerous grimace as he glared at the expecting omega, "Potter, why do you insist on making this a battle between us?! I thought that we-"

A loud pop rang out from downstairs in the foyer and the sound quieted Draco.

Quick, scuffling footsteps came pounding through the hall until a quiet knock fell on Draco's bedroom door.

"What?!" Draco barked.

The door opened slowly and a small, frightened house elf peered inside the room.

"Mr. Malfoy, sir....." The house elf began, "The healer's here to see you."

"Well, send her in! Hurry up!" Draco hissed.

The house elf yelped and scurried away.

Harriet shifted nervously as a new set of footsteps confidently walked down the hall.

An elderly woman with a strict gaze came to stand in Draco's doorway. Her piercing eyes glanced from Draco to Harriet as she asked, "Good afternoon, Mr. Malfoy. You sent for me?"

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