Chapter 3 - Magic or Money

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Draco Malfoy looked extremely uncomfortable as he walked down a London street one evening.

It was his first time venturing into the muggle world and so far, it was not at all to his liking.

Draco had grown up very sheltered, spending his days at either Malfoy manor or Hogwarts. During his time as a Death Eater, he rarely had to leave the familiar confines of either.

Draco scowled as his polished, black shoes glinted in the streetlights.

Why did Potter have to make everything so difficult?

Draco was wearing his most muggle-appropriate suit, which was simple and black, hoping that it wouldn't draw too much attention.

He eventually reached his destination and walked up the steps to a brick townhouse which was positioned at the end of a long row of shops.

Using one hand, Draco smoothed out his black silk tie before he very warily knocked on the door.

His face was tense with anticipation as he heard commotion come from inside the dwelling.

Draco's heart sped up as footsteps approached......

His rapid pulse crescendoed as the door finally swung open.

Draco came face to face with a smiling muggle man, whom, he had to admit, besides his clothing, didn't look all that different from a wizard.

"Good evening!" The man greeted Draco in a friendly tone, "May I help you, sir?"

"Good evening." Draco replied, "Are you Mr. Roberts?"

"I am." The man replied with an apprehensive nod.

Draco did not try to hide the anguish on his face as he implored the muggle in front of him, "My name is Draco....Smith. I need to speak with you immediately."

The man blinked in surprise at Draco.

Draco tried to focus on holding his tortured expression and not slipping into a smirk that celebrated the cleverness of using a pseudonym.

That had been his own idea.

"Draco Smith?What an unusual name." Mr. Roberts remarked, "I beg your pardon, sir, do I know you from somewhere?"

"No, sir....I do ask that you pardon my intrusion." Draco explained, "But it's come to my attention that you and your wife are in the process of adopting my child."

The man stared at Draco incredulously but Draco saw sympathy in his gaze.


Slowly, Mr. Roberts stepped aside and welcomed his unexpected visitor into his home, "Well, Mr. Smith, won't you come in?"


Draco followed the muggle man inside the house. They walked through a narrow hallway until Mr. Roberts paused and ushered Draco into what the Malfoy heir realized was a small living room.

Others would have called it quaint.

Draco thought it was cramped.

Didn't Harriet say this family had a farm?

"You'll have to forgive the mess." The muggle man said with a smile to Draco as they sat down on the firm furniture, "We haven't had a chance to clean today. The children have made this place a wreck! They've just been so excited.... It's not often that we come to our city house."


Draco sniffed in understanding, "That's quite alright. My family owns several properties as well."

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