Chapter 13 - A Father's Worry

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"Relax..........Focus on your breathing."

Harriet closed her green eyes and took a deep breath as she listened to her alpha's voice.

She could feel Draco's elegant hands gently kneading along the base of her spine while she lay on her side.

Harriet opened her eyes when she felt his ministrations halt. She blinked as she saw their instructor standing close beside them.

The middle-aged woman beamed down proudly at Draco.

"Excellent work, Mr. Malfoy!" The instructor said with a bright smile, "Everytime I make my rounds through class, you're always doing such a good job supporting your omega!"

"Thank you." Draco nodded haughtily. Harriet scowled up at him from her position on the floor.

The smug smirk of arrogance on Draco's handsome face filled her with the urge to reach up and smack him.

Draco had signed himself and Harriet up for the finest education on birth and babies that London's muggle world could offer.

Since the wizarding world lacked an equivalent curriculum, he saw no better way to prepare himself and his mate for parenthood.

On Tuesday evenings, Draco and Harriet attended their childbirth class.

On Thursday evenings, Draco and Harriet participated in their prenatal and postpartum class.

On Saturday afternoons, Draco and Harriet sat for their weekly instruction on how to care for a newborn.

Draco was fascinated by everything that they learned but Harriet was exhausted.

Since she had reached the final weeks before their baby's arrival, Harriet didn't have the energy or the desire to do much besides curl around her belly and lay in her nest.

Draco insisted that the classes were beneficial for them and that they kept Harriet active.

Harriet didn't care about being active, she just wanted to cuddle up amongst her soft things that smelled like Draco and rest.

Draco remained sensitive to Harriet's needs. He always let her lounge about before and after their training periods on class days, but whether or not Harriet continued to allow him into her heart, every day brought Draco closer to fatherhood.

He wanted to know exactly how he should look after his little one and he wanted to know exactly how he should care for Harriet before and after the birth.

An alpha's instinct was to protect and provide.

How was Draco supposed to protect his mate from the pains of labor if he didn't learn what Harriet would need him to do?

Draco had quickly become well-known in his and Harriet's childbirth class. He did nothing to hide the softness in his grey eyes as he and Harriet practiced together or the way that he smiled softly when he looked at her.

The handsome, attentive Malfoy heir had caught the eye of the other pregnant omegas in the class and the envy of their alphas, but Draco's attention was firmly centered on Harriet.

The instructor moved on to observe another couple.

Harriet turned her face back towards the wall and sighed as Draco's skilled hands continued to massage her gently.

Draco's smirk lessened as he asked quietly, "Am I hurting you?"

"No." Harriet replied, "It feels lovely."

Draco's motions would have felt even lovelier if she had been in her nest instead of on the concrete floor with only a foam practice mat to support her aching body.

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