Chapter 21 - Secret Meetings

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates every Saturday!

Ron and Hermione were very apprehensive as they walked into The Three Broomsticks together one afternoon.

They spoke to the server at the front and followed the woman back past the many tables in the crowded tavern after they gave her their party's name.

As the couple walked along, they glanced at each other incredulously.

"Do you think Harriet's with him?" Ron asked Hermione.

"If she was, then why wouldn't she have written to us herself?" Hermione shot back.

The server leading the couple finally arrived at a lonely spot towards the back of the restaurant.

As the server stepped to the side, Ron and Hermione both stared down at the blonde alpha who was seated at the old, wooden table.

"Hello Granger, hello Weasley." Draco greeted his two guests in a frigidly formal voice.

"Hello." Hermione nodded to her former enemy.

Her heart sank when she saw that her suspicions had been correct.

Draco sat alone at the table.

"Malfoy." Ron nodded in forced politeness.

Ron and Hermione slowly sat down across from Draco as he peered at them both with his icy, grey eyes.

"I suppose you two are wondering why I've asked you here." Draco said after a moment.

"Could have at least brought the little tyke along." Ron said with a frown, "I haven't even gotten to meet him yet."

"Babies are susceptible to germs, Ron!" Hermione snapped as she elbowed her alpha in the ribs.

"Correct as always, Granger." Draco said with a taunting smirk as his eyes flickered between Ron and Hermione, "Of course I would have brought Harriet, if I wasn't intending to speak about her with you two. What we're about to discuss is not to leave this table, is that understood?"

Ron and Hermione both nodded hesitantly.

"Good." Draco replied with a small, arrogant smile, "I need you both to help me with something."

Ron shifted in his chair and Hermione narrowed her brown eyes suspiciously.

What could they possibly help Draco Malfoy with?

"You two know Potter better than anyone else." Draco went on, "I need you to tell me how I should propose to her."

Hermione's eyes widened and Ron's mouth fell open in shock.

"Malfoy......that's......that's a very big decision!" Hermione gasped.

"Harriet's going to be a Malfoy!" Ron exclaimed to Hermione in disgust.

"Is it, Granger?" Draco snapped, purposefully ignoring Ron's comment, "The two of us already share a son and a bed~. She's mine and I'm hers. I'm tired of lollygagging around. She should be my wife and she will be......I need you two to assist with that."

"Have you tried asking her outright?" Ron blinked.

Hermione made a noise of irritation in her throat as she turned her head and snapped, "Ronald Weasley, do you not understand romance at all?! You don't just walk down the street with someone on any old day and ask them to marry you!"

"Why not?" Ron shrugged to Hermione.

"That better not be how you ask me!" Hermione hissed to Ron in a warning tone.

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