14. Assistance

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We approach the foreboding house at a slow pace

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We approach the foreboding house at a slow pace. Despite having lived in it nearly my entire life, it's astounding how little it truly appears as a home to me. Thaniel feels like home. But not this house. This house feels like neglect and hurt, and my stomach twists at the idea of entering it. I force the feeling away, steeling myself with intense determination. Still, I can barely fathom how I lived here for such a lengthy period of time.

Setting my personal emotions aside, I uncover the spare key in the corner of the garden bed next to the porch and unlock the door as quietly as I'm capable. Prior to opening the door, I turn to Leah.

"Make no noise at all. If he happens to awaken and come downstairs, get outside of the house. Do not worry about me. I have acquaintances in this neighbourhood. Thaniel works the night shift at the nearest Shoppers Drug Mart."

She nods, looking more composed than I'd have expected. I suppose there's no real grounds for me to be surprised at this- Leah is a calm individual. Not easily shaken.

I open the door and slowly enter. Leah follows, and I diligently close the door behind us. When I turn to survey the chaos of the room, I discover it to be only slightly more disorderly than typical. A pleasant surprise.

We commence our tidying efforts by gathering the trash littered about the room- spilled bottles, plastic wrappers, and various other waste. I leave the bags at the front door- we'll bring those out with us when we depart. Then we begin to clean the numerous spills about the main floor- I assign myself to liquids, as I have a great amount of experience with the task, and sweeping crumbs requires significantly less skill.

I manage to finish getting beer stains out of the carpet (using the carpet cleaner that Thaniel always keeps stocked in the house specifically for this purpose) before Leah finishes sweeping, so I move on to righting and straightening furniture. Finally, Leah completes her task as well, and we conclude the cleaning activities within surprisingly few hours (part of the concise time period is likely due to my amassed experience, as well as Leah's supplementary help, in addition to the adrenaline-fueled speed that accompanies the need for speed, silence, and stealth).

We exit the house, bringing with us the considerable amount of trash waiting at the front door. I shift a bag or so to open the door, and Leah takes the first bag. We're forced to transport them individually, since carrying more would likely result in bumping the doorframe, which would have the potential to make enough noise to wake my father. By the time we finally finish relocating the several bags from inside the house to outside, on the front lawn, we're both exhausted.

We discard the bags at the curb, fitting what we can inside the designated garbage bin. Then, I go back to the house, ensure that all of the lights are off, and lock the front door before returning the key to its spot in the corner of the garden bed beside the porch.

"All good?" Leah asks me, the danger of making noise mostly dispelled now that we're outside the house.

"Yes. Your assistance is substantially appreciated, Leah. Thank you."

She gives me a smile. "No worries. You're my best friend, I'm always happy to help. Even when it's the middle of the night and we have school tomorrow." She yawns. I give her a small smile.

"I apologize for inconveniencing you. Let us depart."

We return to the car, and Leah drives me back to my mother's house first. I turn back to her before departing from her vehicle. "Thank you again. I can't articulate how grateful I am."

She grins. "I told you, it's no problem. I know you wouldn't ask a favour like this unless it was important."

I return her smile. "I wouldn't. I'll see you tomorrow."

"See you."

And I return to my house, watching the headlights of her car grow smaller in the distance as she drives away.

Thoughts on the chapter? What do you think of Leah and Exander cleaning the house? Any ideas as to what might happen next? Let me know!

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