12. A Dangerous Thing

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"Are you okay?"

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"Are you okay?"

I swallow and avert my eyes as I answer. "Yeah. Just a bit tired. Still getting used to having rehearsals every day."

"We haven't even started having morning rehearsals yet," Lloyd comments from his desk chair, spinning around to face me. "If you're tired now, you're going to be exhausted in another couple of weeks."

"Well, if I was able to get a head start on my studying, I might actually get some sleep when that happens," I grumble. It's not really fair of me to blame my boyfriend- I'm mostly unable to study anyways, and my lack of energy is more from my constant emotional dilemma than rehearsals or whatever. But I want to blame Lloyd because he keeps wanting to invest time in our relationship, and I feel guilty for wanting someone else. A spark of excitement ignites in my chest at the thought of Exander, only to be immediately extinguished by shame. I push that away and focus on my boyfriend.

"You can study here. I've told you that many times."

"I don't get anything done when I'm here."

"Yeah, and whose fault is that?"

I smirk at him. "Yours."

He rolls his eyes. "You can't always use me as your excuse for being unproductive."

Times like this, I can convince myself that everything is still normal between us. My reply slips out before I can think about it. "Then come over here and stop me."

He eyes me for a moment, before spinning back towards his desk. "Nope. I've got things to do."

"Oh, come on. You asked me over here. I wouldn't have come if I knew you were going to just ignore me the whole time."

"I invited you over with the idea of studying together," he says, but the corner of his lip curls up enough for me to know he's blatantly lying. I shuffle closer to the edge of his bed and manage to get my toe on the chair base, using the wheels to my advantage so I can pull him backwards. He grabs his laptop off of his desk and puts it in his lap, still smirking as I drag him towards me.

"Then come study with me, Lloyd," I murmur, nipping at his earlobe. He lets out a soft hum.

"Is this how you study? No wonder you can't get anything done."

I reach over and snap his laptop closed. "We can study together at school. If you're not going to pay attention to me, I can leave."

He rolls his eyes, placing his laptop on his desk. "Petty threats. You have no shame."

"Nope. But you invited me over here, so you can't mind that much."

He smirks a little as he finally moves from his chair to the bed, kneeling over me. "What do you want to do, then?"

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