11. Unbearable or Unmanageable

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I exit the drama classroom with Leah, discovering quite promptly that she is giving me a very apparent smirk

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I exit the drama classroom with Leah, discovering quite promptly that she is giving me a very apparent smirk.

"Is there a specific cause for your expression?" I ask once we've traveled a minor distance from the classroom.

"Come on, Exander. You can't tell me you don't know."

"Know of what?"

"At the beginning of rehearsal, when we did a full run through of Helpless?"



"I'm unaware as to what you're attempting to imply."

"You and Spica."

"We are in that number, considering we have been cast as Alexander and Eliza Hamilton."

She appraises me with squinted eyes. "I can't tell if you're intentionally avoiding what I'm getting at, or if you actually don't know."

I'm getting the sense that she is trying to insinuate a romantic involvement between Spica and I, of which there is none. Still, I respond with, "I can assure you, it is the latter of those options. Your vague comments are much less informative than you believe them to be."

She shakes her head, despite still smiling. "Wow, and here I thought you were supposed to be smart."

I raise an eyebrow at her, and she promptly dissolves into laughter.

"Seriously though, Exander. You must have noticed something."

Well, of course. I've observed that Spica tends to blush and smile rather often in my company, which I suppose could indicate that she has a romantic sort of interest towards me. And while I'm not severely opposed to the idea, I don't find myself particularly motivated pursue a more concrete relationship with her. Instead, I rather enjoy her gentle presence in a friendly manner. "I notice many things. If you actually stated the specific instance you're referring to, I might have a better idea of how to respond to your accusations of observance."

"You're impossible."

"I'm simply asking for clarification."

"You're impossible."

"When you say that, do you refer to the meaning of 'unbearable' or 'unmanageable'?"

"You're proving my point right now."

"I'm still completely unaware of your intention. Both in using that word and in the conversation that lead you to this conclusion about myself and how impossible I apparently am."

"You're lying through your teeth. You know exactly what I'm talking about. Come on, Exander. I'm sure you've seen how Spica looks at you."

"Yes. With her eyes."

"Okay, now I know you're just playing dumb. Really, if you didn't want to talk about it, you could have just said that."

I smirk. "I found it significantly more amusing my way."

"So... do you like her?"

"I do. She's a brilliant actress and has quite a pleasing voice."

"As a person, though."

"She's very genuine and kind. I sincerely appreciate her friendship."

"So, that's a no."

I hesitate. "Not necessarily."

Leah groans. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"Too soon to tell. Have a nice evening!" I head in the direction of my mom's house, smirking to myself as I discern and promptly disregard Leah yelling after me.

What do you think of the chapter? Any ideas for what might happen with Spica and Exander? Tell me all of your thoughts in the comments!

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