Chapter 39 - Surprise

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"Let's go back to sleep." He said, scooping her in his arms and she wrapped her hands around his neck as he led them to their room.


"This is my restaurant." Vihaan said when Aarohi drove them over to a familiar place. "Why the heck is it closed?" He whisper shouted when he saw the board of closed on the main door.

Instead of replying, Aarohi just beckoned him inside. There were the usual chefs and staff but no customers.

"You wanted to be a chef when you were a kid but you couldn't." She mused making her way to the kitchen. "You had told me how you always wanted to cook for people, serve them and fill their stomach. Although I can't miraculously make you a full time chef, I can maybe do a little something." She added, taking the apron from the counter and putting it over his head and then going behind him to tie the free ends. "Since we're going to the orphanage today, I thought why not take lunch for the kids as well and what better than to have it cook by you with me as your assistant." She winked at him, putting the other apron over herself before gesturing him to tie the knot.

"So you mean to say that couples who cook together, stay together." He whispered in her ear as his fingers worked on fastening the knot.

Aarohi turned back and smiled.

"That's- that's really thoughtful of you." He mumbled, his eyes falling upon hers in the softest way possible.

"Let's get started then." She declared enthusiastically with her hands on her waist.

"Let's keep it simple since they're kids." Vihaan said, watching Aarohi as she pulled her hair up in a loose bun.

"There are 17 children at the moment and if we count other members then there are around 25 people in total." She informed him.

They decided to make garlic paneer as starters, jeera rice, dal tadka, roti and aloo gobhi alongwith gajar ka halwa for desert. Aarohi proceeded to cook rice while the two chef took the responsibility of making rotis and Vihaan started making the sabzi.

"Never thought there would come a day when you'll step into the kitchen to cook food willingly." Vihaan commented playfully while stirring the gravy.

"Never thought there would come a day when I would actually enjoy cooking." Aarohi said while chopping chillies.

"That's my charm." Vihaan shot back smugly.

Aarohi chuckled, muttering "narcissist" under her breath.

Throughout the time, Vihaan kept on stealing glances at Aarohi. "Stop," he yelled when he saw she was about to rub her eyes.

Aarohi frowned.

"You were just handling chillies with those hands. Your eyes will burn." He explained and went near her.

"I think something went inside my eye." She said blinking her eyes since it was irritating her.

"Wait." Vihaan cupped her face, his thumb resting under her left eye as he tried to keep them open and started to blow air gently.

Having him this close always managed to put her heart in frenzy. He would be so tender with her and yet she couldn't control the way her heart would beat loudly in her chest.

"Are you fine now?" He asked softly and she nodded in a trance, watching him smile at her before he left to resume his work.

After everything was done, the chefs helped to load the food in the car. Vihaan and Aarohi thanked them and left for the orphanage.

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