Nagisa x reader: Childhood Friend - Confession

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3rd POV

You were walking along the beach with tears rolling down your cheeks, you saw four boys one with dark blue hair, purple eyes and red framed glasses. One with brown hair and green eyes, another with jet black hair and ocean blue eyes. The last one had yellowy-orange hair and pink eyes.

You stared at the one with yellowy-orange hair and pink eyes until realization hit you.

"N-Nagisa?" You gasped

"Huh!?" The small boy turned around to look at you.

"But-" You placed a hand on your mouth and wiped the remaining tears with your jacket sleeve

"(Y-YOUR NAME)!!" Ngisa glomped you

"Haha Nagisa!!! Its been so long!!" You giggled

"(Your Name)! I can't believe I get to see you again!!" Nagisa held your hands tightly

"I know!!" You giggled

"Nagisa, mind telling us who your friend is?" The brown hair guy smiled

"Oh sorry. This is (First/Last Name) my childhood friend!!" Nagisa squealed

"My name is Makoto and that's Haruka but you can call him Haru" Makoto smiled and Haruka nodded

"My name is Rei" Rei smiled

"Its nice to meet you" You smiled

"(Your Name) why did you come back?" Nagisa asked

"Because I wanted to live in my home country and my parents still live in America" You giggled

"I missed you so much" Nagisa hugged you tightly

"Haha I missed you to" You hugged Nagisa back

*Time skip*

The boys and you walked home since it was getting late. You walked up to your gate and turned around to thank the boys.

"Thank you for today boys and it was nice meeting you all and getting to see you again Nagisa. I have school tomorrow which sucks" You pouted cutely

"What school do you go to?" Nagisa asked

"The same as you" You winked and walked in your gate

"How do you know what school I go to?" Nagisa asked

"Night boys" You giggled and walked inside

"Night" Nagisa whispered

"She can't here you dummy" Rei hit Nagisa lightly on the back of the head.

*Time Skipu Desu*

You did your morning routine and headed out the door you saw Makoto walking in your direction with Haru. You smiled and locked the door Makoto noticed you and waved, You waved back and ran up to them.

"Morning" You chirped

"Morning (Your Name)" Makoto smiled and Haruka nodded

The trip to school was short but silent. Nagisa turned around and beamed when he saw you, the school bell rang and you made your way to the office. The principal gave you your timetable which showed you your class. [Sorry I don't know what Nagisa's class is] You found the class room and everyone looked at you.

"Today we have a new student, please introduce yourself" The teacher stated

"Hi, I'm (First/Last Name). I hope to become good friends with you and hope we have a good year together" You smiled cutely

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