It turned out, that I did have a minor concussion, and after treating it and telling me to be careful, they turned me loose into Gabe's company. We waited for what seemed like hours until we finally got bored and worried enough to go and talk to the lady at the front desk.

     There was posters and dolls of Channing Tatum up all around her, and her green eyes gleamed with care as she unwrinkled one hanging up on the wall. I raised an eyebrow at it, but said nothing, too concerned about my mother to say anything sarcastic about it like I normally would have.

     "Excuse me, miss..." Gabe started, his eyes flickering down at the little golden tag saying her name on her left breast. "Miss Phoebe, but I would like to see my wife please. Her name is Sally Jackson." Gabe said.

   I guess I should explain that. My mother, had hated Gabe's last name of Ugliano, so instead of her changing her last name, Gabe had gladly changed his last name to Jackson. We'd all been rather pleased with the arrangement, as Gabe hated the last name Ugliano even more than my mother did, and I really hadn't wanted to change my last name to something that sounded like the word 'ugly.'

     Miss Phoebe looked up at him and sneered. "I'm terribly sorry sir, but she's still being seen by Dr. Apollo." Her voice sounded sincere, despite the ugly look on her face. "Please... We would really like to at least have the chance to say goodbye if she-" Gabe cut himself off sounding choked up.

     It felt like someone had poured ice over my head. For most of my life, it had been just me and my mom. I didn't know what I'd do if she didn't make it. I felt ill to my stomach. I'd known that there was a slight chance that she wouldn't make it, but hearing it out loud made it so much more real. I felt like I was about to throw up.

     My headache that I'd had since the crash for worse. I felt like crying. My lips were quivering slightly at just the thought, and my eyes stung. Miss Phoebe looked down at me and her eyes softened. "I'm really sorry. I just can't allow it. Dr. Apollo will be out soon enough, and it's up to him to let you see her or not. I truly am sorry."

     I swallowed heavily, my throat felt so dry. My gulp was slightly audible and I felt my face go red, despite the stinging wetness in my eyes. My head pounded. Gabe looked down at me and pulled me close to him, needing the comfort of human contact as much as I did.

     A few hours later, a man with bright blue eyes and blonde hair came down the hall. "Is anyone here for Mrs. Jackson?" He asks softly. Gabe and I exchanged a worried look and stood up. "I'm her husband, this is her son. Please, is she alright?" Gabe asked, his voice sounding like he was about to cry. In the whole year and a half that I'd known him, I'd never seen him cry.

     Dr. Apollo looks at us, and slowly, seemingly sadly, shook his head. I felt like I'd been sucker punched. My mother... I would never see her again... Never see her laugh, never see her smile, she would never brush her hands through my hair again. My mother was gone.

     Gone. Dead. Those words, they aren't good enough. Or perhaps, they aren't bad enough. They don't describe the magnitude, the hugeness of death. What is death, though? Is it eternal nothingness? Maybe there is a heaven or an Elysium? If there was, then I hoped I made it there. If it is just eternal nothingness, I suppose that wouldn't be so bad. After all, then I wouldn't miss her so much, as I wouldn't have a consciousness anymore.

     At the moment though, I didn't care. Nothing mattered. Nothing, except for the fact the mom was dead. My face felt wet and salty, raw and sticky. Basically, it felt like I was sobbing my heart out, which I was.

     Dr. Apollo explained that all head wounds bleed a lot, and my mom most likely would have been fine, but the coat that one woman was using got germs in the wound and infected it. They cleaned the wound, but it was too late. She lost a lot of blood and it was infected.

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