Chapter 33

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After the French Grand Prix, I was called to the factory by the team principal Otmar Szafnauer. I don't know why he wanted to see me but I didn't have a good a feeling about this. Nothing good usually happens when a boss wants to meet one of his employees. I was very nervous about what Otmar wanted to talk about but then again I was curious because thinking on the bright side, maybe I am not in trouble, maybe he just wanted to talk about how I have performed in the opening rounds of this season and perhaps tell me about how I could improve my driving. Who knows, there's only one way to find out as I entered Otmar's office.

Otmar Szafnauer: Hello Y/N, good to have you today. Now everyone's here.

Once I entered Otmar's office, I saw my engineer sat on one of the chair. That was when I clicked, I immediately knew what is this talk about. Tim Wright was probably not happy about what I said and the abuse I gave him on the radio after crashing out of the French Grand Prix. Well this is going to be fun because from what it looks like I am in big trouble. Reluctantly, I sat down on the empty seat and greeted both of the people in the room. The atmosphere was really tense and I was very nervous about what is going to happen next.

Otmar Szafnauer: So let's start. Y/N you are probably wondering why I called you here today. 

Otmar Szafnauer began the conversation which definitely didn't make the atmosphere any better as he asked me the question if I know why I was here today. I shook my head and kept quiet hoping this would be over very soon.

Otmar Szafnauer: Well, your engineer Tim has told me about a possible anger issue of yours and he wasn't extremely happy about the way you pushed the radio button and started swearing into his ear. 

Y/N: I'm sorry Tim.

Tim Wright: It's ok Y/N, I get it. You were frustrated about it but I just want to try and solve this so it doesn't happen next time when you crash out of a race.

Otmar Szafnauer: Yes Y/N, we all understand your frustration. We're frustrated too when we see a car out of the race under no fault of the driver or the team. However, the radio button is not a button where you could press and start swearing. These radio messages transfers to race control and possibly get's broadcasted on live TV. It doesn't really help our reputation when you start swearing on the team radio every race.

Y/N: Ok sorry Otmar, there won't be a next time.

Otmar Szafnauer: I just want to know what's going on with you? Are there any problems with you lately causing you to be this angry?

Y/N: Not really.

Tim Wright: Well your broken door lock in your driver's room suggests otherwise.

How did they know about the fact that I broke the door lock in my driver's room? Anyways that wasn't important, what is important is that I need to think about my actions, especially my actions after the past two Grand Prix. I guess I was really mad about what happened in the Canadian Grand Prix and then for the French Grand Prix, I was determined to make amends which didn't happen. Adding the fact that Somi hasn't been talking to me every since the incident at the Canadian Grand Prix, it made me psychologically imbalanced causing me to lash out to my engineer after crashing out of the French Grand Prix.

Y/N: It's something about my relationship. I guess that caused me to feel a bit not myself. 

Otmar Szafnauer: Well you really need to solve this. Ever since you joined the team, your pace was good but mentally you are always letting your relationship problems get the better of you. I don't know what you did and I don't care how you solve this but I don't ever want to see you lash out at the team anymore. 

Y/N: Ok sorry Otmar and Tim.

After the meeting, I went back to my apartment in London and thought about my anger issues. Thinking about this problem, it wasn't a thing that I have developed recently, it was a problem that has been with me for a while. I remember when the time I found out about losing my drive, I lashed out at my parents by slamming the door in their face, and I did the same after not finishing the Canadian Grand Prix, only this time I slammed the door at Somi. 

Otmar was right, I need to solve this problem as soon as possible or else it will not only affect me but also affect the team. I couldn't let my emotions get the better of me and more importantly, I couldn't let my relationship problems affect my performances on track. I guess this incident with Somi has really made my anger problem even bigger and I started to get angry easier than before. I need to solve this quick, but Somi isn't talking to me.

I really need to apologise to Somi, what I did was wrong and I shouldn't slam the door in her face. All she was trying to do was help me and make me feel better. She was actually being nice to me but I just decided to be mean to her and lash out on her. I thought about apologising to her in person, however, I have a busy few months heading towards the Hungarian Grand Prix. I don't have time to head to Seoul to do a face to face apology until the summer break. 

Because, I didn't have time to do a face to face apology, I decided to just text her and say sorry instead

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Because, I didn't have time to do a face to face apology, I decided to just text her and say sorry instead. I know it wasn't sincere but hopefully she will reply. Hopefully this would solve the problem for the short term and then I could go talk about what happened and make a more sincere apology when I have time during the summer break.

And that's another chapter. Will Somi forgive Y/N about what happened and will Y/N fix his anger issues? Continue reading to find out.

I know today is the weekend and I am still publishing a chapter for this book. I am just trying to finish this book as soon as possible there are only about 5 chapters to go so I will be working on this book whenever I have free time. If you don't want to miss any updates of this book then please add this book to your library.

As always, don't forget to vote for this chapter and share this book. Your support means a lot to me and makes me want to continue writing this book. 

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