Chapter 16

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After the race, I celebrated with my team for a bit. I mean it was a podium on my first ever endurance race. This has opened up a lot of opportunities for me not just in endurance racing but also in other top level motorsport series. I am over the world about this win. Taking my trophy back to the garage, I saw a guy standing there looking like he was waiting for me.

???: Well done, Y/N. That was absolutely impressive.

Y/N: Thanks, Mister uhh.

???: Teddy Park. Or just Teddy for short. I'm the founder of THE BLACKLABEL. With that performance I think we could offer you a sponsorship. Welcome to the team Y/N.

Y/N: Oh thank you very much Mister Park.

Teddy: Just Teddy is alright. Also, I'm not really that knowledgeable when it comes to racing so just send me what you want to do and I'll see if I could sort out a drive for you.

Y/N: Sure, currently I want to be in Formula 1, but all the seats this year are closed so maybe next year?

Teddy: Cool, I'll try and find a seat in Formula 1 for you next season. Enjoy the celebrations.

With that I headed back to the hospitality area to get myself packed knowing that my future in motorsport will be bright. Thanks to the support and backing from THE BLACKLABEL, I now have another shot at my Formula 1 dream. However, that was all at the back of my mind right now as I have one thing that I need to do, which is go on a date with Somi. I headed back into the hospitality area to find Somi looking for me as well.

Somi: Oh Y/N, you're here. Are you ready to go?

Y/N: Yeah just let me get changed real quick.

This was the moment that I have been looking forward this whole weekend. Going on a date with Somi. Even though it probably doesn't mean anything and she was only doing this to be nice to me but I really want this date to go well. After all, she has helped me a lot. If it wasn't for her I wouldn't even have another chance at my Formula 1 dream. Maybe I should pay for this date as a thank you to her for helping me at this tough times.

Y/N: Let's go Somi.

Somi: Sure, where are we going?

Y/N: I don't know, you got any suggestions? My treat.

With that Somi took me to the Daytona Beach city centre. I don't know where we are heading or what we will be doing. We ended up at a steakhouse near the beach which has a nice view as it overlooks the beach and the ocean. 

During the course of the meal, we just talked about our lives and getting to know more about each other. I found out that she was a South Korean idol who was born in Canada which was rather interesting because according to her, THE BLACKLABEL is an entertainment company in South Korea. This really surprised me but I wasn't really focusing on what Somi was saying as I was more focused on her beauty. I spent most of the time staring at her which I really hope she didn't find out. If I'm honest, she probably has caught me staring at her while I'm having my burger. Finishing our food, I called for the bill and end up fighting for who would pay for the meal.

Somi: Oh Y/N, that's very nice of you but I'll pay for it.

Y/N: No Somi, you have helped me a lot with the contract and sponsorship. This will be my treat.

Somi: Y/N, I insist.

A few more rounds of tug of war with the bill later, we end up paying for our own portion as we both were reluctant to give in. Now I need to repay Somi in another way. Hopefully, I could ask her out to grab lunch or dinner some other day.

Trust In Talent - Somi X ReaderΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα