Chapter 5

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I arrived at London Heathrow after a long flight from Toronto Airport. I realised that this is it, this will be my new life for the next couple of years. Away from my family to chase my dreams, I am now on my own. I was walking at the arrival hall when I saw a girl holding a sign with my name on it. I didn't know I already had fans here in England that quickly. I walked up to her and see what is going on.

Y/N: Hi, I'm Y/N.

???: Hi Y/N, I'm Jodie Kemp. I'm the PR manager of Carlin Buzz Racing would you follow me to the Carlin headquarters.

So this girl was not a fan but the PR manager of the team that I will be racing for. I followed her to the Carlin headquarters which was amazing. It looked really different to what I have seen in America. I went to do the seat fit in the factory where the mechanic Jason Cox was just doing my seat just to make sure I feel comfortable as this seat is going to be with me for the whole season.

The seat fit went on very smoothly. The team were able to get my seating position really easily and tailor made me a seat for me. After the seat fit, I went to meet my teammates. I met my teammates Felipe Drugovich and Teppei Natori. Both of them are like myself, leaving their home country to chase my dreams which made me feel a little bit more comfortable knowing that I am not the only one who have made this sacrifice just to be here. Felipe Drugovich is from Brazil and Teppei Natori is from Japan.

Jodie Kemp: So these will be your teammates. They have been here for a few days already and the three of you will be sharing a flat together.

Felipe Drugovich: Hello, I'm Felipe from Brazil.

Teppei Natori: Teppei from Japan.

Y/N: Nice to meet you guys, I'm Y/N.

Knowing that I have two teammates also on the same boat with me of being miles away from home to fight for their racing career made me feel less homesick for some reason. Finishing our media and schedules for the day, we were taken back to our apartment. Both of teammates are really nice people it seems. Hopefully they make me feel comfortable during my stay in England.

Once I arrived at home and settled myself down, I called my mom just to let her know that I am alright and just to give her an update of my situation right now. I already miss her cause this is my first ever time leaving home and not being with any member of my family.

Mom: Hey, Y/N darling how are you doing over there?

Y/N: Pretty good, just finished all my schedules and media duties and got back home.

Mom: Are you good? If you need anything just give me a call I'll be there for you like always.

There goes my mom again, always so caring and supportive. I told her about my living accommodation and that I am sharing a place with my two teammates. Also just to make sure that she knows I was doing alright so far. Hanging up and ending the phone call with my mom, I went to take a break. I needed this break anyways because the long journey and all the media duties really wore me out.

I lied on my bed as I tried to get some rest after a tough day. This might be easy for many people but to me it was tough for me somehow. As I closed my eyes, I kept thinking about how I am no longer at home with my family and that I am 7 hours away from home. I didn't like this feeling of being homesick. I really miss my family and especially my mother, I am not ready being 7 hours away from my family and living on my home just yet. I started crying as I laid on my bed thinking about me being so far away from my family.

I must have cried myself to sleep because all of a sudden I heard someone knock on my door as I woke up. My eyes were red and puffy as I woke up a few hours later. It was my teammates knocking on my door.

Felipe Drugovich: Hey, Y/N are you still sleeping? We're going out for dinner today. You joining us?

Y/N: Sure, I need a minute or so to get ready.

Before I go out with my teammates, I need to make sure I fix myself up first because I can't go to dinner with them looking like I have just cried myself to sleep. This is the last thing I want is to embarrass myself or give a terrible first impression because I will be spending at least the next year. I need to look my best and give a good impression. I tried to cover up the evidence that I cried but it was too difficult to cover up the puffy and red eyes.

Teppei Natori: Y/N come on how long does it take for you to get changed.

I nearly forgot that the Japanese likes to be punctual. With Teppei Natori losing a bit of his patience, I quickly fixed myself up and got out of my room. I really can't cover up my puffy and red eyes which was a bit annoying because it was so easy for them to find out.

Teppei Natori: Y/N, are you ok? If you aren't we could order takeaway for dinner.

Felipe Drugovich: Were you crying?

Great, now that they have found out that I was crying I feel so embarrassed. This is so embarrassing, I never thought I would get caught by my teammates that I was crying because of homesick. There's no going back from this so I guess my last option is to pretend nothing has happened.

Y/N: I'm fine.

Felipe Drugovich: It's ok we all feel stuff. You are just homesick. My first few days here was just like you scared that I am so far away from my family. But that's what we're here for. Learn how to be independent and chase our dreams. You will feel better as time goes by.

After what Felipe Drugovich told me, I feel a little bit better. We ended up getting takeaway because I said I didn't want to go out. Turns out, my teammates are really supportive and they have instantly made me feel like at home already. Knowing that I have supportive teammates, I think this year with Carlin is not going to be that bad after all.

Finally another chapter. I was going to update this chapter last night but my phone and wallet got stolen so I spent the whole day at the police station sorting stuff out. If this chapter is a bit rushed I am sorry.

I don't know if you have checked out my new book yet but if you haven't please check out A Race For My Family Name. It's the sequel to my first ever book A Race To My Heart.

Thank you very much for 100 reads for this book. If you haven't please vote along as you read and also don't forget to vote for this chapter. Thank you very much for all your support and I will update this book next week.

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