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"What's taking them so long?" Asked a very sleep deprived Claudia who's been scouting new recruits for the White fang. She's been without sleep for 3 weeks because of Adam's persistence. If she knew having Adam as a partner would be like this, Claudia would've went with Blake instead.

"Relax. They're coming." Answered criminal underworld Roman Torchwick with a pull of his cigarette. Grunting in displeasure due to having to wait some more, and Roman's cigarette stench clouding her sense of smell; Claudia took several steps back. Soon the sounds of a helicopter landing alerted Roman and Claudia's attention, only to see two teenagers and a young female in her early 20's.

"Who are they?" Asked Claudia as she watched the trio approach. To tell you the truth, Claudia didn't trust these four who reeked of evil intentions. Some might say the White fang is evil now due to how Adam leads, but the White fang is only seeking to make Faunus equal to humans. That's how Claudia has always viewed the White fang even from a mere age of 3.

"Awfully rude for disgusting Faunus like yourself." Answered the boy with silver hair with a smear of utter disgust on his face. Having heard this stranger calling her a 'disgusting Faunus', Claudia's rage spiked to the point of unsheathing her twin katana's and dashing towards the silver haired boy; her speed couldn't be tracked by human eyes.

And because only Faunus's can track another Faunus movements, Claudia had the silver haired boy pinned to the floor. Hunching over him, Claudia had one katana to his throat and the other katana by his head just 3 centimeters away from cutting a strand of his hair. Shocked silence echoed around the room at the display laying before them.

"It must be that I've been sleep deprived for 3 weeks because of Adam's persistent need in gaining new recruits, but I thought I heard you call me a disgusting Faunus, and if that's the case let me give you a warning right here and now. I will beat you to a pulp if you ever call me that again. I don't kill humans but I will keep plummeting you until you're aura gives out." Finished Claudia who stood straight up and sheathed her katanas. Plastering a smile and outstretching her hand to the silver haired boy who still laid on the ground in shock. "So what did you say again?" Asked Claudia in a sickeningly sweet tone after she pulled the silver haired boy up on his feet.

"I...said what's you're name?" Asked the silver haired boy who rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment and humiliation.

"Claudia Wolf." Answered Claudia as she shook the silver haired boy's hand in a welcoming gesture.

"Mercury Black."

"And these two are Cinder Fall and Emerald." Finished Mercury, releasing Claudia's hand.

"Now that's pleasantries are over, it's time to discuss business." Declared Roman putting out his cigarette with a stomp of his boot. Finally after putting out that disgusting cancer stick, Claudia's sense of smell came back to her. She could breathe properly again.

"I'm in charge here Roman, don't forget that." Says Cinder jabbing a finger into his chest, her eyes narrowed in displeasure.

"Alright, geez. You're gonna give a guy a heart attack." Says Roman, coughing due to the harsh jabbing sent to his chest.

"The world wouldn't miss a thief having died of a heart attack caused by cigarettes." Says Claudia with a roll of her eyes. Immediately taking a offense to this, a unknown girl teleported in front of Claudia. Raising her pink umbrella towards Claudia, the unknown girl sent a slash attack her way.

In a quick motion, Claudia unsheathed one of her katanas and parried the unknown girls attack. Barely breaking a sweat, Claudia unsheathed her second katana and sent a slash attack towards the girls head in a swooping motion. Noticing her fumble due to Claudia having two weapons, and her already blocking her attack with her umbrella; the unknown girl dropped her umbrella.

Quickly stopping her attack, Claudia had her katana to the unknown girls throat once she released her attack. Hearing the clearing of a throat, Claudia sheathed her weapons and turned towards the group of humans. The unknown girl gave a small gasp of relief.

"This is my lovely assistant Neo. She's mute but she's deadly on the battlefield." Says Roman, introducing the girl to Cinder, Emerald, Mercury, and Claudia. Neo gave a smile and a low bow after being introduced.

"Enough of this. I'm on a tight schedule here." Announced Cinder having grown frustrated with idle chit chat. Having gained the attention of the group once more, Cinder finally revealed her plan.

"Beacon Academy is where the relic is and Salem wants it. So she's sent us to retrieve the item for her." Finishes Cinder.

"Let me get this straight." Says Claudia having listened silently to Cinder's explanation.

"You're plan is to infiltrate the highest Academy of hunters and huntresses while possibly having to battle Ozpin and the army just for a relic that could be there on mere words?" Questioned Claudia. Her expression so serious and brows so furrowed, you'd think she came up with this ridiculous plan.

"That's correct and you're coming too." Says Cinder with a smirk.

'So that's why Adam sent me here.' Thought Claudia coming to the realization of why Adam insisted she go. Smirking due to having been mislead by someone like Adam, Claudia couldn't help but find the situation amusing. But on the plus side, she could meet Blake after 3 weeks apart.

"Fine. I've got nothing better to do and I can finally catch some sleep." Says Claudia, stifling a yawn.

"When do we leave?" Asked Emerald, finally voicing a question.

"Tonight." Answers Cinder, barely glancing at the young girl. Emerald felt slight pain because of Cinders lack of appreciation towards her and her powers.

"I need to pack first." Announces Claudia preparing to leave once she noticed the discussion coming to a close.

"5 minutes." Says Cinder, watching the wolf Faunus walk away.

'So in order to see Blake, I have to infiltrate a high security Academy.' Claudia thought as she walked outside the abandoned warehouse building, into the crisp night air. The wind ruffling through her hair as she sat down on a flat rock, watching the moon. This was gonna be an encounter that Claudia hated, being reunited with her best friend but through lies and deceit of why she's really there.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2021 ⏰

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