Black Trailer

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"Blake. It's time." Said a voice from behind Blake, who sat on a rock in the emerald forest.

Turning her head ever so slightly, Blake saw Adam standing there with a hand rested on the hilt of his blade.

"Okay." Says Blake who stood up and dusted off any dirt or leaves that fell onto her outfit.

Without another word, Adam led Blake to a hill and saw the oncoming train speeding down the train tracks.

"Wait." Blake says, grabbing Adam's arm before he could make his move.

"What?" Adam said with a hint of annoyance in his voice, Blake noticed his tone but chose to ignore it.

"Where's Claudia?" Asked Blake surveying the forest around her but saw no sign of her partner.


"Right here."

Hearing the voice of her partner Claudia made Blake's heart rate speed up. Taking deep calming breaths, Blake turned towards Claudia who's ocean eye and one eye like the sun stared back at her. Blake always got lost in Claudia's mismatched eyes, she found them odd but beautiful and a mystery.

"What took you so long?" Asked Adam, breaking Blake out of her trance.

"Don't give me that, not after what you tried to pull." Said Claudia, folding her arms across her chest.


Adam is cut off once again, but this time, it was the sound of train whistle. A train comes brailing down the tracks at high speed. It would be impossible to catch up, let alone hijack one.

Well, for regular humans. But all faunus possess speed. Lined up, Adam, Blake, and Claudia leaped from the hill and ran towards the train. All three landed perfectly on their feet, quiet and stealthily.

"You two check that compartment, I'll handle this one." Said Adam, instructing Blake and Claudia who take off down the train.

Opening the compartment door, Claudia and Blake enter into complete darkness. The sounds of wiring spurring to life and the red hue over washing them fills the once quiet room.

"I guess stealth is out." Claudia says with a smirk, pulling out her twin katana's.

"Don't get cocky." Says Blake, pulling out Gambol Shroud and dashing towards the machines. Mid-attack Blake transforms Gambol Shroud into a katana. Slicing through the androids, Blake made quick work of the enemy.

"Heh, not bad. I'd give it 8 out 10." Commented Claudia sheathing her weapons as she stepped over fallen enemies of her own. Rolling her eyes with a smile, Blake puts away Gambol Shroud and walks out of the compartment with Claudia, only to see Adam fighting a mechanical spider.

"I need some help over here!" Hollered Adam through gritted teeth as he strained against the enemy with his katana. Nodding silently to each other, Blake and Claudia run towards the spider and slash its legs off, weakening it. Adam's katana took the brunt force of the spiders attack which allowed him to unleash his secret slash attack.

Once the spider was defeated, Adam left to go check on the other compartments, leaving Blake alone with Claudia. Blake's ears flopped as her cold facade became saddened while she rubbed her arm in nervousness. She didn't know what to say to Claudia, well she did but she didn't know how to voice it.


"You're leaving, aren't you?" Claudia asked beating Blake to the punch.

"I...yeah I'm leaving." Says Blake after a minute of silence.

"Why?" Asked Claudia.

Sighing Blake gently grasped Claudia's hands and sent a weak smile her way.

"I need a fresh start...away from all of this." Blake said, motioning towards the bots around their feet.

"Away from me." Claudia stated, catching Blake off guard. Claudia without hesitation snatched her hands from Blake and leapt off into the forest.

"Claudia! Wait, let me explain!" Shouted Blake, running off into the forest after her partner.

"Claudia." Blake called out once she found her sitting on a rock with her knees to her chest. Blake taking the chance, sat down beside Claudia.

"I want a fresh start away from the white fang and Adam. This is my chance to prove to myself and my family that I can be more than just a faunus and I can build relationships with humans...but me leaving doesn't have anything to do with you." Explained Blake, peaking Claudia's interest.

"I just'd be happy for me." Finished Blake.

"Alright I get it. Enough with the sob story." Said Claudia, sending Blake a playful smirk.

"You do?" Asks Blake.

"Totally. If you want to kick butt and make new friends that's fine by me...but no one can replace me."

Laughing gently, Blake grasped Claudia's hands once more.

"You're my main friend. My favorite person in the world." Comments Blake.

"Of course I am. Who else would put up with you're emoness ." Joked Claudia, turning to face Blake.

"Shut up." Says Blake, batting at Claudia's arm.

"Hey, watch the bruising." Says Claudia in fake pain.

Blake's response got caught in her chest due to how close she was to Claudia. She could just lean in and...she'd be kissing her partner. Claudia having the same thought process leaned in ever so slowly as the same time as Blake.

3 centimeters....2 centimeters....

Blake's eyes slowly closed.

The train whistle broke the quiet tranquility of Blake and Claudia's moment. Jerking apart, Blake abruptly stood up with a blush on her face. Clearing her throat, Claudia stood as well.

"Well...I guess this is goodbye." Said Claudia once they got back onto the train.

"Yeah, i guess it is." Says Blake.

Without a word, Blake embraced Claudia and hugged her tightly. Before Claudia could return the hug, Blake released her and stepped onto the other train platform. Taking out Gambol Shroud, Blake severed the belts and watched with a saddened expression as she got further and further away from Claudia who's expression matched her own.

"Bye." Whispered Blake once Claudia was out of site.

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