Chapter 75

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When Harry came back for Christmas

You were baking and Harry was bored as he sat on a chair

So Harry asked questions to you and Sirius

"Aunt y/n what's something Sirius never wants anyone to know." Harry asks and you smirk but Sirius covers your  mouth and you get away from him

"Oh I got a lot but this one involves Sirius and Remus." You say and Harry was interested as Sirius shakes his head over and over, trying to tell you don't tell him

"Tell me!" Harry says and you nod

"Sirius stop it." You say and Sirius covers your mouth again but you lick his hand which he pulls his hand away

"TELL ME!!" Harry says super impatient

"Ok but this was way before me and Sirius even started dating." You say and Harry nods as Sirius sighs giving up on stopping you and goes back to feeding regulus

"Ok tell me now!!!"

"Ok clam down Harry."

|Flash back because why not?|

You were waiting for James, Sirius, Remus and peter and they were all not down yet, peter being the only one who can actually be down on time

Sirius is probably making sure his hair is perfect an James is probably flirting with his mirror, and then gonna use those pickup lines on lily later 

You just walk up the stairs and walk into the boys dorm room, which you were shocked to find Sirius and Remus snogging on the bed and Remus took Sirius's shirt off as you walked in

"Oh damm sorry I didn't knock." You say and Remus and Sirius immediately get startled by you, and Remus jumped away from Sirius pretending they weren't just snogging

"Uh y/n! Uh um we were um we were uh." Sirius couldn't think of an excuse you caught him and Remus snogging like they do

"I'm sorry I didn't knock, but wow Remus never thought you were into guys, guess you learn about someone everyday, now Sirius yeah we all knew you can come out as gay." You say and Sirius starts stuttering

"I'm not gay y/n." Sirius says and you were shocked

"Really? James is pretty convinced you are, ok well hurry up I'm sick of waiting, anyways now JAMES POTTER WHERE ARE YOU LOSER!!!!" You yell and Sirius and Remus were blushing embarrassed

And the rest of the day they couldn't look you in the eyes

|Flash back over|

"Caught them snogging a few more times after that." You say and Harry was shocked

"So you and uncle moony were a thing?" Harry asks Sirius and Sirius thinks On how to explain this to Harry

"We hooked up, friends with benefits you can say, never went any further because I then got with y/n before it did." Sirius says and you didn't know that, so as Sirius was flirting with you he was snogging Remus

"Well ok I bought you." You say and Sirius looks over

"I saw you and lily snogging in the common room a few nights, your not the only one." Sirius says and Harry stops not liking to think his aunt snogged his mother "Like you were snogging lily before James even had a chance with her." Sirius says and you point at Harry

"We don't need to put that image in Harrys head, so shut up." You say and Sirius laughs

"Oh right Lily's your mom oops sorry Harry." Sirius says and you sigh

*Honestly I'm glad James never found out that me and lily would meet at night and snog in the common room, me and lily both kept that from him when they got together and well James is never finding out he's dead*

Sirius blacks ex girlfriendWhere stories live. Discover now