Chapter 21

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Harry ask about yours and Sirius's past relationship

"Oh yeah she was like so in love with me and was like so clingy." Sirius says and you sigh

"Oh yeah because I was the one that acted like a baby if a guy even flirted with me." You say and Sirius let's out a sigh

"No clue what your talking about." Sirius says and you shake your head as you roll your eyes

"Um like I'm wondering aunt y/n you always said my dad was overprotective of you so how did you get with him." Harry asks and Sirius smirks

"Oh well she begged for me until I gave in." Sirius says and you look at him and shake your head

"Uh no you asked for help in studying and then we ended up snogging in your dorm after that day you acted like nothing happened, I thought it meant nothing to you when it meant a lot to me, so I ignored you for weeks on end and then dated some guy who you didn't like to get back at you, and to get you jealous." You say and Harry asks if he got jealous and you nod "Oh yeah he got jealous, because weeks later you Sirius had enough and came into my dorm and told me to break up with the guy, when I asked why you said because you love me, yeah gonna stop it there it gets a little too adult for you Harry." You say and Sirius chuckles

"Yeah that's basically it then we secretly dated until James caught us in uh something he shouldn't have seen let's say James hated broom closets after that." Sirius says and Harry plugs his ears

"Nope I don't wanna hear it! I am too young to hear about it." Harry says and you chuckle

Sirius looks at you as you laugh and smile *I miss her so much*

Sirius blacks ex girlfriendWhere stories live. Discover now