Chapter 70

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Sirius was reading a letter Harry sent as you were with regulus

Sirius walks over and shows you the letter

"Look at how Harry talks about Ginny, he's in love." Sirius say and you take the letter and laugh

"Wow he is, Harry loves Ginny." You say and Sirius starts thinking of ways to tease him "Sirius don't tease him, maybe give him relationship advice. If you tease him like you did when he told you Cho Chang kisses him, he's gonna stop telling you stuff." You say and Sirius sighs

"Yeah I know, just I can't tease James anymore I need to tease someone." Sirius says and you laugh

"You still got Remus." You say and Sirius smiles after he heard that

"Wait yes! I do." Sirius says then running off and you sigh as you couldn't stop laughing

Oh poor Remus, this is gonna be like when Sirius turned into a dog and ate his homework isn't it? Remus was so upset when he found Sirius and the shredded up paper

"Poor Remus." You say as you go back to regulus who was starting to teeth so you were trying to keep his mind off his teeth coming in

Sirius came back a few minutes later

"Ok I know how I'm gonna start teasing Remus now." Sirius says and you sigh

"Oh no poor Remus." You say and Sirius looks over and laughs

You just sigh as you remember all the weird things Sirius did to James, like *there was the time he made everyone a sandwich and once James finished his, James asked what the sandwich's were because it was so good, and well Sirius went through everyone's, normal stuff like cheese normal sandwich meat, but when he got to James oh Sirius said oh you know venison, cheese and lettuce. And well James freaked out because venison is deer meat and my brother could well turn into a buck a male deer, Yeah Sirius ruined his whole month because of that, I hope Sirius won't feed Remus werewolf meat that would just be terrible, but well Sirius's pranks could sometimes go over the line I hope that doesn't happen*

Sirius blacks ex girlfriendWhere stories live. Discover now