Chapter 40

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When umbridge took over the school and reformed how classes would work

You didn't agree like so many parents did

Why change learning potions and magic? Isn't learning how to do potions and magic the whole point of school? Like no kid is gonna be able to understand how to make a potion to cure a love potion, say their best friend got put under one

No one is gonna be able to help them because they don't know what they are doing!

No kid is gonna be able to know how to defend themselves say a witch or wizard tries to attack them, like they won't know what to do! This is dangerous! Not helping what's helping them? To not be able to do magic? Not be able to get certain jobs because they don't know how to use magic properly? Or make a potion

Umbridge isn't doing something good

No she's turning the wizarding world kind of school kinda into muggle school

"Sirius you have to agree with me right?" You say and Sirius nods

"Yes of course I do." Sirius says and you nod as he kisses your forehead "Look Harry is smart he'll figure something out ok?" Sirius says and you nod as Sirius wraps his arms around you and pulls you closer to him

"I know Sirius just I'm worried for him." You say and Sirius nods as he was worried as well

"I am worried for Harry as well y/n, just look he can take care of himself, it's just a bit of someone changing how school is gonna work, hopefully next year it goes back to normal." Sirius say and you nod

"Yeah I hope so as well, just I can't stop worrying for him." You say and Sirius nods

"Don't worry he's gonna be ok y/n." Sirius says and you nod

*Just I can't stop worrying for Harry! I just can't stop! I'm so worried for him*

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