Chapter 60

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Sirius walks downstairs holding regulus

Everyone looks over as Sirius walks over holding a bundle of blankets

"Is aunt y/n ok?" Harry asks and Sirius nods

"She's resting right now, anyways Harry we decided you get to pick regulus's middle name." Sirius says and Harry smiles happily really he gets to pick? Wow you both are really putting him on the spot now aren't you?

"Oh let me think about it." Harry says and Sirius nods

"Yeah y/n did end up convincing me to name our baby regulus." Sirius says as Sirius smiles at his son

"Can I hold him?" Harry asks and Sirius nods and carefully hands Harry regulus, as Harry was sitting on the couch

Sirius sits beside Harry and after 2 minutes regulus started crying so Sirius took regulus back and tries to calm him down

"Hey it's ok regulus it's ok don't cry." Sirius says as he rubs regulus's back as he tries to figure out what he needed

But regulus just calmed down after awhile and Sirius got him to go back to sleep

Everyone was looking at regulus and saying how adorable he was

"So miss potter is ok right? Like she was screaming like she was being murdered." Ginny says and Sirius looks at Ginny

"Y/ns fine yeah birthing was hard but she says it's worth it now because she has a beautiful baby boy now." Sirius says and Ginny nods

"You sure? She sounded like someone was murdering her." Fred says and Sirius laughs

"Well labour is painfully she pushed regulus out of her, a whole human being out of her." Sirius says and the kids looked scared for you and Sirius laughs as he smiles at regulus

Sirius was so happy he had a son

"Hey mini padfoot please don't be like your dad." Remus says and Sirius laughs

"No he's gonna be a mix of me and y/n, so sarcasm and good looks." Sirius says and Remus sighs

"Sirius but those are things only y/n has." Remus says and Sirius stops as his mouth dropped open

"Wow thanks moony." Sirius says but then he smiles at regulus so happily *I'm so happy to be a father, I'm gonna be the best father ever*

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