Chapter 43

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You were fast asleep in Sirius's arms and he smiles happily as he just watched you sleep as he had a hand where his baby was growing

*I love y/n so much, and I'm always gonna be around for my child, if I need to run away it'll be for a month until I come back and hide with them, or take them with me as I run away! No way am I leaving y/n and my child behind, she won't have to worry about that because I'll always be right by her side* Sirius thinks as he couldn't sleep too many thoughts of how he's gonna be a dad running through his head

Sirius kept wondering if this is what James had went through, and honestly right now Sirius really wish James was around to tell him hey I went through this, everything is gonna be ok this is normal for a new dad to feel

You woke up and realize Sirius was still awake

"What's ok your mind pretty human." Your say and Sirius smiles

"Just....I will be a good dad right? Sirius says and you nod

"Look let me tell you what I told James when he went through this." You say and Sirius felt a bit better James went through this as well? Well knowing his friend went through it makes him feel better

"Yeah what did you tell him?" Sirius asks and you sit up a bit more and Sirius did help you to make sure you were ok

"I told him your a fucking loser your gonna be fine! If your this worried read a parenting book like oh my gosh worrying about it isn't gonna do anything take action and do stuff to calm that fear not sit here and worry now go! Go! Go! Go! What you still doing here! Read you fucking loser! Pick up a book and Read! Read! Read!" You say and Sirius nods

"And I can see James running around panicking after that looking for a parenting book to read." Sirius says and you nod

"And that loser did." You say and Sirius kisses you

"Do we have any parenting books by chance?" Sirius asks and you nod

"Yes we actually do." You say and Sirius nods

"Um I'm gonna stay up reading for no reason at all don't mind the light from my wand ok?" Sirius says and you nod as you just go back to sleep and Sirius stays up reading *Y/n was right I should sit here and worry, omg will I be a good parent? I need to take action read and learn what I need to learn so I can be the best parent I can be*

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