Chapter 45

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When Harry came back for winter break he was excited about the baby

"So how did uncle Sirius react?" Harry asks and you sigh

"Happy." You say and Sirius smiles at you he as still happy he felt the same happiness when he saw the pregnancy test be positive

It hasn't gone away yet

"So names?" Harry asks and Sirius smiles

"I was thinking Persephone which is your aunts middle name, or maybe James." Sirius says and you were shocked

"I was thinking regulus?" You say and Sirius was shocked now what? His brother?

"Who's regulus?" Harry asks and Sirius sighs he really didn't want to explain who his brother is to Harry 

"My younger brother he died during the first wizarding war, he was also a death eater I don't know how he died, but well he was a death eater who really cares." Sirius says and you sigh

"Sirius you loved your brother." You say and Sirius nods

"Yes when I was a kid and he was a kid, but life changes. Especially when he became a death eater." Sirius says as you sigh again

"Sirius you don't know what happened for sure." You say and Sirius looks away

"My family is just full of death eaters my brother included I don't want my child to be named after a death eater, that's final." Sirius says as he then gets up and walks upstairs

Harry was shocked and didn't know what to say, as you just waited a few minutes then walked upstairs to check on Sirius

"Sirius?" You say knocking on your bedroom door

"You can come in, I won't keep you out of your own bedroom darling." Sirius says and you walk in and see Sirius just leaning against the bed as he looks at the ceiling

You just sit beside him and make sure he's ok

*Honestly at this point I don't care what happened to my brother, he died being a death eater what else do I need to know?*

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