Chapter 69

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|Harrys pov|

Sirius sent me a letter which I was gonna be sending him one soon, because of Draco being suspicious

But my aunt and him are engaged now

Which I'm happy for them

And it was only a matter of time, because of regulus being born that Sirius was gonna propose

Ginny looks over my shoulder as I was eating breakfast

I didn't notice until she said something

"Hey! Don't read over my shoulder it's my letter." I say and Ginny shrugs and keeps reading and I move and she moved closer to finish reading

Eventually she just grabbed the letter and ran as I chased her as she reads and runs

"Ginny! Give it back!" I say and she doesn't and once she finished reading she stops and hands it to me

"Here you go I finished it." She says and I'm gonna do that to her now, she should know I'm gonna take her letters now and read them, and I'm never reading one of my letters around her again "Hey there wasn't anything bad in it, but hey maybe I'll read them all to find out stuff you send to your aunt and Sirius." Ginny says and I sigh

"I mostly just ask how they are and tell them how I am that's really it." I say and Ginny shrugs

"Hey maybe one day you'll tell them if a girl ever kissed you." She says and I laugh

"No I tell them that stuff in person." I say and she was shocked

"Wow so I'll never find out?" She says and I shrug

"If you could get Ron to talk you would find out more then looking through my letters, now I'm gonna go and finish eating and hiding my letters from you." I say and Ginny laughs *Well, time to start hiding my letters from Ginny now*

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