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you were jolted awake, from being shook violently by bernadine. "dude it's almost noon. get up." she laughed.

you groaned and stretched out your limbs, sitting up against the wall. "where is everyone." you asked, rubbing your eyes harshly.

"courthouse." she explained, sitting down next to you against the wall. she didn't look like she woke up too long ago either.

"oh. why aren't you there?" you observed. she sighed and leaned her head back on the wall. "i had a late night." she mumbled under her breath.

you slightly shoved her and laughed playfully. "sooo? how was he?" you grinned. her face turned red and she turned her head away from you.

"he was decent. now shut up." she gushed. you giggled and gave her a wink.

after awhile of chatting about past relationships and just boys in general, you both decided that getting up would be smart. it was now 1 in the afternoon.

you threw on an old, oversized flannel and jean shorts. bernadine wore a rolling stones t-shirt and jeans.

for a few hours, you both made sandwiches and played card games. you were especially good at card games. you beat her every single time.

the time was about 4ish now, and you were both lounged on the couch, smoking a joint. you then heard yelling from outside, and a few car doors shut.

the yelling progressed until the door was swung open by a very enraged tom. followed by a distressed looking abbie. the others piling into the room as well.

"abbie, i don't care if you don't like the judge. we cant afford anymore warnings." tom fumed, leaning back onto the railing of the stairs.

"relax hayden, were just givin the crowd some entertainment." abbie assured, with a slight chuckle.


"were only mockin him. you gotta admit, the amount of overrules there are is absurd." abbie snickered.

"god f- are you high?" tom strained tensing his jaw, and running his finger through his hair in stress.

"always am." abbie smiled. tom let out an angry grunt and smiled.

"your a fucking idiot. your an idiot!" tom snickered, before slamming his fist into the wall.

abbie put his hands up in surrender, earning laughs from you, jerry and bernadine. they had hardly noticed you yet.

"were already going to prison tom. don't sweat it." jerry sighed into his hands, before sitting down next to you.

tom did a condescending laugh and rubbed his temples, attempting to calm down. once abbie noticed you, he waved playfully.

"sorry bout him doll, he's a bit of a bellyacher." abbie whisper shouted, with a wink. you tried muffling your laugh with a pillow, but tom noticed.

"whats funny." tom snapped.

"it's just so ridiculous how much a whiner you are. do you just not have a sense of humor or something?" you inquired with a slight grin. abbie, jerry and bernadine all laughed. the only others in the room now were lee and rennie. the others disappeared once they walked in.

tom gave you a long, infuriated glare. you had pissed him off once again. "bitch." tom mumbled under his breath angrily.

"woah woah tom buddy, you should go cool off." abbie interrupted, walking towards tom and patting his back. tom broke your eye contact. he turned to abbie and slapped his arm away. "don't touch me." he spit at him, making abbie raise his brows.

tom took one last spine shivering glare at you. he bit his lip, and looked your slightly up and down, before walking out the door. slamming it behind him.

abbie collapsed onto a chair before laughing hysterically. soon being joined by you and the others. besides rennie.

"i can't take that guy seriously." abbie sighed between laughs. you agreed by nodding your head.

"cmon guys give him a break. he's just stressed." rennie spoke, standing up. you caught your breath before speaking. "i've been here hardly a day. that man is a shitshow." you affirmed, lying your head to rest on the back of the couch.

rennie took a long sigh before starting for the door. "where you off to?" bernadine asked him, forcing him to turn around. "im going to find tom." rennie spat, slamming the door behind him.

you didn't want to be rude, but rennie definitely liked tom better than tom liked rennie.

"there's a party at lance gunners place tomorrow. who's in?" abbie asked, raising his eyebrow. "me!" jerry yelped. "me and y/n will go." bernadine answered for you both.

you turned to her and gave her a "seriously?" look. "cmon y/n, it'll be a blast!" jerry said grabbing your face and smiling. "ughhh fine." you groaned.

"i'll go. i'll guess john will too." lee notified.

for the remainder of the night, you ordered pizza and sat round the table. you, bernie, abbie, jer, lee, john and surprisingly weinglass, talked all night. you talked about boobs, butts, protests, music, relationships, the god awful judge and the trial here and there. you all told funny stories from your childhoods. you laughed all night, well till 3. jerry told you about how when he was 20 he got arrested for flashing a police officer. abbie told you about how when he was in grade school he would lift up girls skirts and get spanked for it. he learnt his lesson, he was a huge feminist now so it was kinda funny that he used to be that kinda kid. lee and john both talked about how they had been through hell and back together. they'd even had the same girl at different times. leonard got really drunk, and told you about his divorce. bernadine told you about how when she lived in LA she thinks she might've been in an orge with jimi hendrix. lucky. you told them about your adventures you had when you lived on the road. when a bear ate your weed, when you got chased by some pigs because you "borrowed" a few things from a gas station, the time when you slept in a random persons house because they were gone on vacation, etc. it was a great night. you had gotten so high.

once people started to go to bed, you, bernie and abbie all chilled on the couch. you didn't talk a lot, you kinda just enjoyed your highs.

you all were snapped out of your trances when the door opened and tom and rennie appeared.

"abbie can i uh talk to you?" tom murmured. abbie jumped up and spun around. "sure tommy boy." abbie laughed. tom rolled his eyes and walked into the kitchen with abbie.

rennie came and sat down by you both and let out a big exhale. you and bernie rose your brows at him. he turned to you and sighed.

"what's wrong." bernadine asked him. "i feel bad for tom. he's dealing with so much right now and- and he just seems off." rennie whined.

you held in a small giggle from his whining and put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "he'll be fine." you smiled.

rennie frowned and shoved you off of him. "you dont know a thing." he hissed before storming out of the room. you and bernie cackled.

after a few more minutes, tom and abbie came back out. abbies hand was on toms shoulder and tom looked calmer.

"night hayden." abbie smiled and nodded to tom. "night." he smiled a small smile back and walked to his room, acting as if you wernt even there.

"we're all good now. he's got some shit goin on and he's real stressed about the trial. i gotta give him some sympathy." abbie shrugged. you probably should too.

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