" Dude I love your suit. It's so perfect." Sly compliments and Kobby finally believed Ciarra's compliment earlier because the guys rarely complimented each other.

" Say thank you to Carlisle when you get back." Kobby pats him on the back and says.

" Why do Carlisle's stuff look better on you?" Fede wonders.

"They both are of the same size but what Carlisle lacks is the ability to rock it. Kobby does that without even trying. He's the only one who can show up in such expensive clothing and finish it off with a pair off Sebagos." Adam explains to them.

" But on a more serious note Ciarra, you owe me a dance." Fede says with a grin.

" Dude, you're not even dressed up for anything." Sly reminds him and Fede looks down at his white pair of socks in a pair of new balance flip-flops.

" I wasn't planning on dressing up but for you, I will. I'm off guys" He turns and walks towards the third entrance of the building.

" You do realize that her date is standing right here right?" Kobby calls  after him, " You need permission from me dude!"

" Get a life Kobby Johnson!" He calls back at him and they all couldn't help laughing.

" Ashanti didn't come, right?" Adam asks Ciarra.

" Yes, she hates crowded places." She explains and he nods in comprehension before letting out a sigh, " Why don't you two go on in, whiles the rest of us without dates stay out here making fun of people's outfits ."

Ciarra finally realized why so many people were out on the large illuminated grassy area, instead of going in for the ball.

They didn't really have dates. Someone squealed from across the ballroom just when they walked into the glowing ballroom with an orchestra playing Lifehouse's You and Me.

It was Olive Payan from Junior High. That was when they suddenly realized the magnitude of the event. People were coming from all schools the country over, both students and fresh alumni so the possibility of seeing familiar faces was going to be high. Olive had been one of Kobby's many admirers back in junior high and still was.

She embraced Kobby as if Ciarra wasn't just there.

" I've missed you so much, I knew I'd meet you here." She smiles excitedly.

So technically, she only came to this event to meet Kobby, though she knew Ciarra and him were together back in Junior high and had both ended up in the same boarding school.

" Hey." She acknowledged Ciarra reluctantly just so Kobby doesn't be feel offended, " You two came together?... I thought you weren't with her anymore."

Ciarra gasps internally at her guts. Was she just saying that infront of her? Kobby noticed what was soon going to happen if he didn't do something about this right now. Did she honestly think nothing will happen when the two of them just conveniently had to end up in the same school?

" Olive, Ciarra and I are back together and I still love her." He told her pointedly and he could see her deflate, " Which school did you get into anyway?"

" Keta Girls'. And trust me, it's irritating to be in class with girls alone, as if having them in the house isn't enough. So much drama, " She whines, " We still have so much to catch up on. I'll look for you during the concert so we can talk, ok?"

" Sure." Kobby agrees and she smiles before reaching for a glass of champagne from a waiter.  She gave Ciarra a sly look before leaving.

" Some people haven't changed." Kobby shoves both hands into his slacks and concludes.

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