Part 6: A Destructive Talk

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Steven waited for tomorrow morning to talk to the Diamonds, knowing they would all be together in the throne room that morning. Steven tried to sleep but the words of Y/n kept going and repeating in his head. What shattering? What did Pink Diamond have to do with it?
As the morning came up, Steven warped back to Earth for breakfast.
"Hey Pearl, hey Garnet, sup Amethyst." He greeted the Crystal gems. Amethyst was sitting on the couch while Garnet was finishing up breakfast. Pearl of course was busy cleaning the house.
"Oh hello Steven, how is Homeworld?" Pearl asked, momentarily looking up from folding the laundry.
Steven sighed and leaned against the counter, "Do any of you guys know who Black Diamond is?"
Peal froze and dropped the laundry and Garnet dropped a plate, shattering it on accident at the realization of your question.
"What?" Steven said.
"Who told you that?" Garnet said, turning and locking eyes with Steven.
"A gem back on Homeworld, she said she belonged to Black Diamond."
Peal looked away and covered her mouth, tears starting to form in her eyes.
Garnet looked at Pearl and then back to Steven, "I think this is a question you need to ask the Diamonds."
Steven crossed his arms, "That's what she said too."

Breakfast that day was filled with tension, Steven and Amethyst kept trying to ask questions but no one would answer them. Steven quickly ate, this situation was pressuring him greatly. Once he warped away, both Garnet and Pearl let out a shaky breath, looking at each other worriedly. Steven stormed into the throne room from the warp pad.

The Diamonds looked at Steven, noticing his angry expression.

"Steven, are you alright?" Blue asked

Steven stopped in front of the thrones, his head down, "Who is Black Diamond?"

The Diamonds were taken aback by Steven's question, Blue was tearing up.

Yellow groaned, "I knew this topic would come up eventually." Looking up at White

White put her hand to her mouth, looking at Yellow and Blue

"Steven," White said gently. "Black Diamond was...the 5th Diamond that used to be in the Diamond Authority."

"What happened to her?"

Blue was now crying large tears

White looked uncomfortable having to explain that Pink Diamond shattered her. "Well, Steven, you see, a long time ago when us Diamonds just started to colonize planets, there was another Diamond who ruled by our side."

Steven started to grow impatient and angry, urging her to keep going

"Pink had just emerged and was denied a colony. All us Diamonds agreed she was unfit to rule and we were right." White's voice started to quiver and shake. "Pink started to have a tantrum and when Black tried to comfort her, Pink went crazy and in a fit of rage she jumped up and punched Black, shattering her gem."

Yellow looked away, clearly upset and sad. Blue held her head in her hands.

Steven turned pink, this was yet another instance where he must pay for his mother's incompetence.

The Diamonds could see Steven change hue, and diamonds form in his eyes. Steven put his hands to his head, his body shaking and his head pounding.

How could she do something like that? Shattering someone? A fellow Diamond? Why would nobody tell him? What about Y/n? How could she be so kind to you? This makes no sense!

Steven let go of his head and screamed at the Diamonds, he was beyond angry, he was furious his mother could do something like that.
The Diamonds all flinched at his actions. Steven couldn't think straight and warped away to Earth. The Diamonds looked at each other and went to send Y/n to Earth to see if she could help him.

When the warp pad's beam disappeared and Steven was the only thing left, the Crystal Gems could see his pink state and were understandably scared.
Steven looked up with tears in his eyes.

"Steven I-" Pearl started

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!?" Steven screamed, knocking over paintings and decorations in the house.

"Whoa whoa buddy what's going on?" Amethyst said, standing up from the couch.

Steven looked at Amethyst, calming down a little, "There was another Diamond in the Diamond Authority and mom shattered her!"

Pearl looked like she was about to run away but her feet were stuck in place. "Steven," She started. "I was assigned to your mother after the fact, whenever I mentioned it after that it looked like she wanted to shatter me. I was too scared to ask."

Garnet started after, "When Sapphire was apart of Blue Diamonds court, she always heard Blue Diamond cry over someone she called 'Black', but no one has mentioned her since then."

Even though Steven was defeated, he fell to his knees and started to cry, his skin tone returning to normal.

The gems apologized and tried to approach Steven but were interrupted by the warp pad activating. Y/n had arrived.
"Steven!" Y/n cried, seeing him on the floor crying. She rushed over to his side and hugged him. "Are you alright?"

Steven sniffled, "I found out about Black Diamond, I'm so sorry." He started to cry harder.
You looked up to see three gems in front of you. A defective Amethyst, a fusion, and a Pearl. The only gem you recognized was the Sapphire and the Pearl. You stood up, your hand turning into a fist.

"You." You said in a lowered voice, staring directly at Pearl. "You knew!"
You raised your hand, making Pearl levitate in the air. Amethyst and Garnet were frightened by this power.

"Y/n calm down!" Garnet said, trying to get to your side but you quickly pushed her away. You started to squeeze Pearl's neck, restricting her breathing and a force away from poofing her.

"YOU LEFT ME! I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS! YOU PROMISED YOU WOULD NEVER LEAVE!" Y/n started to cry, reliving the painful memories of her only friend leaving with a disowned Diamond.

Amethyst tried to stop your arm, pulling out her whip to lasso your arm, yet it didn't work and your arm was kept straight.

Steven stepped in front of you, begging you to stop. "Y/n please! You don't need to hurt her!"

Y/n broke down crying, letting Pearl go.

"Oh hell no," Amethyst said. "Who are you, what's going on, and are you here to kill us?"

The group needed to calm down and talk, it was almost 2 hours later before everyone was filled in with all the happenings the occurred years ago.

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