The blonde walked past his 4 happy "friends", he emptied his bag out in the kitchen, all the snacks he bought were displayed on the counter with a note //Take whatever you like, I don't need it//


Denki needed to distract himself, anything really, so he started to draw hoping he could get all his emotions out. His door was closed and his desk filled with all kinds of sketchbooks.


It wasn't enough, the thoughts kept growing, kept scratching his brain. And then he saw it, on a big pile of all sorts of sketchbooks the red one stood out. He scratched hisself violently leaving red marks ons his right arm, he shouldn't, couldn't go back.

He opened the book, The first few pages were mostly pen scraps, ripped out papers, and after a while red. Every following page was red. A liquidy red stained on many to all pages and in the back of the book a blade. He looked at the blade, horrified, but slowly his hand grabbed the silvery piece up.

He slowly moved the blade closer to his wrist. closer and closer. Closely enough to feel the cold blade on his warm skin. He stops, frozen, and slowly he takes the cold piece of metal away from his skin. He couldn't go back to those times, he wouldn't. Denki dropped the blade in the open sketchbook. But the scratching on his forearm didn't stop, the area on his skin became redder and redder. He looked at his arms, at his hands. His nails started digging in the palms of his hand, he squeezed harder and harder till his skin broke and the blood started dripping from his hands, staining another white page in the sketchbook. He opened his eyes, just realizing he closed them.

His hands were red.

Denki moves to the bathroom washing his hands making the liquid disappear. Walking back to his room he looks at the page. quickly closing the book and shoving it deep in one of his drawers.

❕⚠️ End of the TW ⚠️❕

The blond laid on his bed mindlessly looking at the ceiling. Tears streamed down his face, and Denki just laughed while the water that streamed down his face and neck stained his sheets. He couldn't care less, he was exhausted and sad, and in just a few minutes he fell asleep.

Before he knew it he woke up, not from his phone, but from a nightmare. Tears formed in his eyes, breathing faster and heavily, sweat dripped from his body onto his bed. He looks at the time to see that it's 3am and he couldn't sleep, not after the nightmare. He feels like a little kid. So he stays up till he hears his phone go off.

He stands up quickly walking to the bathroom, brushing his hair and trying to make his face look a little less depressing. His eyes look puffy and red, his eyebags more visible than usual. His hair a mess and his shirt filled with wet spots from the crying. He put on his uniform and walked to the common room. Ignoring everyone, he walked straight to the door exiting the common room. Not eating, drinking or even looking around.

He looked around the empty classroom taking his phone, which was still uncharged, out of his pocket. He sits down in his chair, charging his phone with a powerbank. He rested his head on the table before zoning out and falling asleep.

Aizawa walked through the door and found Denki sleeping. Walking to his desk he sees big gray eye bags together with red puffy eyes. His eyes widened, knowing he would celebrate his birthday yesterday he couldn't believe the state the blond in front of him was in. How were his eyes so red and why were the circles around his eyes so dark? He took out his phone and texted his son for answers.


DadzawaDo you know why Kaminari looks likehe has stayed up all night crying?

ShinsoIdk he told me he would celebratehis birthday with the Bakusquad.
He was really excited about it,I think they went to the cinema


Well he knew that information already, he would ask Bakugou, Kirishima, Sero and Mina when he saw them, he thought. Aizawa walked to his desk, trying to mollify his concerns. The classroom slowly filled itself with his students who were all shushed by their teacher while he pointed at Kaminari. (Also Izuku sits next to Denki bc I said so)

"Mr.Aizawa what happened to Denks, he has all puffy eyes and marks on his hands." Izuku asks.

"I don't really know, I just need to speak with Bakugou, Kirishima, Sero and Mina after class." Aizawa says, looking at the 4. "Please let Kaminari sleep till class is over, if you have other questions or know what happened to him please tell or ask me after class. Now let's start where we left of last week with chapter 2"


*RING RING* "Okay class is over. Bakugou, Kirishima, Sero and Mina stay over here. All classmates that want to question or have answers can also remain. Other than that you can leave." Sensei said.

Not many people stayed, technically only the bakusquad and the dekusquad, a minute later Shinso entered the class sitting next to Denki. (Cause he is gay for him)

"Alright now that you're all here, I want to know where you four were yesterday after school." Aizawa said, looking at the bakusquad.

"Well yesterday we were playing all afternoon on the Switch. It was really fun but we haven't seen Kaminari the whole afternoon." Mina said.

"You've got to be kidding. Wow what a friend you are." Izuku said pissed.

"What do you mean shitty nerd! We did nothing wrong." Bakugou said in defense.

"Really? You did nothing wrong? This is just embarrassing and sad that you can't even remember. IT'S HIS BIRTHDAY DIPSHIT." The boy screamed and glared at the "friend group" of the blond. "What is wrong with you?" Midoriya continued "You played on HIS Switch the whole afternoon while he sat alone in a cinema!"

"You are the worst, how could you call yourself a friend?!" Uraraka screams.

"He worked his ass off to even afford to rent the cinema room. He worked from 4 till 10 EVERYDAY this whole week, all he could talk about was how excited he was to finally celebrate his birthday correctly. And you LEFT him ALONE, you don't even look him in the eyes or even tell him a happy birthday!" Shinso added.

"Is that why he has those big eye bags under his eyes?" Tsu said worriedly.

Shinso suddenly remembered something hurriedly grabbing the hands of the sleeping boy. His hands had those red marks again. "Fuck he did it again, you all are the worst."

"Did what again?" Mina asked.

"God damnit, why would you care? You didnt care yesterday!"

"I'm trying alright" tears fill Mina's eyes

"Well try harder!" Shinso screams, "Mr.Aizawa I'm bringing Denki to Recovery Girl, Midoriya will explain it to you." Hitoshi said before picking up the blonde.

"I want to know what's going on right now, Midoriya explain." Aizawa said worriedly.

"These sick fuckers didn't show up at his birthday party. He worked the whole week trying to get all the money he needed to go to the cinema. He rented a private room, a whole room for them alone. He decorated it, and probably waited for who knows how long. They fucking ditched him, leaving him alone with his fucking thoughts." Izuku said.

"Alright I know enough, Midoriya I know that you're angry at them, but you need to calm down. Midoriya, Todoroki, Iida, Uraraka and Tsuyu, could you guys plan a party for him."

The dekusquad nodded, and left. Izuku gave them some last glances and left together with his group. After that Aizawa continued, "As for you four, detention next week, the whole week. Today I want you to buy him a gift, you have until the end of the day, now go"


2024 EDIT: Hey lovelies it is so strange to work on this when it has been 3 years since I started this fic. I updated the fic a lot, all the grammar and vocab should line up, all the scenes are the same as before with minor changes and much better grammar/wording. ~ Loves Gwibby


2108 words

Forgotten Birthday • Angst • Denki Kaminari 《MHA》Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz