They arrived at the inn and settle down in their shared three-bed room, waiting for the sun to rise. 

And when it did, it was chaos. 

"You can't put your hand in a dragon's mouth to take a picture," Wilbur scolded as the three of them headed to the sanctuary. 

"But it will be so cool though," Tommy whined.

"Yeah, and I'm guessing you think losing a hand is cool too?" Techno asked, making Tommy sigh, mumbling something around the lines of "No dragon has the audacity to bite my hand off, I will simply tell it 'no, that's fucked up'." 

They arrived to the sanctuary, a man wearing a mask similar to the ones Dream's family wears during events, except his had different colors. Wilbur says it was the flag of Mexico. They didn't question it, maybe he was Dream's long lost cousin or something. 

"Hola amigo, bienvenido a santuario del dragones!"The man exclaimed, "I've been waiting for you guys to show up! I'll be your guide today, you can call me MD." 

"Hey MD, can you tell them that I can stick my hand in a dragon's mouth," Tommy said. 

MD looked at Tommy with a raised eyebrow, "You wanna stick your hand in a dragon's mouth?" Tommy nodded. "I don't see why not. Come on," he gestured for them to follow him. 

"What the fuck?" Wilbur exclaimed following MD. 

"Shh, I wanna see how this goes," Techno shushed his twin, not wanting to argue.

They walked to the first dragon, it was a green one, wondering around the confined pit below. "This here is a Common Welsh Green, not very dangerous, then again I take care of dragons, so you probably shouldn't trust my judgement on that," MD chuckled. "C'mon," he pushed a part of the rail open, descending down the ladder. "You can stick your hand in his mouth."

"Is this even allowed?" Wilbur asked, staying up, not wanting to be attacked while Tommy and Techno followed MD.

"Yeah, yeah, it's all cool," MD said. "He likes it, bit ostentatious, always wanting to be in pictures and shit."

The dragon must've spotted them and made his way over, jumping on top of the rocks hastily. He looked at MD, tilting his head. MD held his hand out and the dragon pushed his snout forward. "Yes, he's here for a picture," MD told the dragon, who immediately opened his mouth, posing in a...very dragon like position. 

Tommy stared in awe before sticking his hand in the dragon's mouth. Techno cheered from the side while Wilbur shakily took the picture, took a lot of shots before he got a clear one. "Okay, got the picture. Now pull your hand out."

"You're being too much of a worrywart," Techno said. "Wasn't this tour your idea?"

"Yeah, 'cause you were jealous of Sam," Tommy snickered as he pet the dragon. How the fuck did he manage to do that when Wilbur looked away for a second, he shall never know. 

"You're a natural at this," MD complimented. "You should considered working with dragons, or maybe 'dangerous' creatures in general, if you're good at it. There's not many who'd like to put in so much effort for them."

Tommy hummed, "Maybe. I'll think about it."

Techno snorted, "You're gonna give Phil and Wilbur a heart attack." 

"So you're chill with that?" Tommy asked. 

Techno shrugged, "If you get proper training and stuff I don't see why not."

"You hear that MD? Maybe I will," Tommy said.

"Yeah, yeah! This is the best job in the world I tell you," MD said, as he started climbing back up. 
"We have more dragons to see, say bye to Verides. Bye Verides!"

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