Studying for O.W.Ls-Well, Trying To

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The fifth years are crammed in the library because they have to study if they want to pass their O.W.Ls! Problem was, our seven fifth years in particular are talking about how hard it was to study instead of actually studying.

Note: Info List has been updated! You can now find everyone's blood statuses!


During this time of year, the library was always filled with 5th year students, heads buried in books, hands scribbling down notes. Why? It was O.W.Ls season and barely any of these students took time in their fourth year to actually prepare and instead procrastinated until last minute. In one of the tables, seven students in particular were—well doing their best.

Fundy let out a groan before letting his head fall on the table. "I can't," he said. "My doesn't have space anymore."

Quackity let out a huffed laugh, "That's a surprise, I thought your head's always empty," he said.

"Hey!" Fundy exclaimed, lifting his head up and narrowing his eyes at the Gryffindor who was sat across him.

"I'm sorry," Quackity let out a nervous laugh, "I'm just panicking right now. I have no clue what I'm doing."

"Maybe if you guys piped down we'll be able to concentrate," Antfrost said. "I literally only have one book down."

"I mean you were the one too distracted sending flirting letters," Karl mumbled. "Your owl basically lives in our dorm at this point.

"Hey, I can flirt if I want to," Ant defended, "I just didn't think we'd have to study this much!"

"We have seven core classes and at least two electives," Sapnap started, "You really didn't think that would be a lot?"

Jack let out a distressed groan, "I regret getting three electives now," he said.

"Boys, please, we'll get kicked out at this rate," Niki scolded the others she was sharing a table with. "You know what, how about we take a break, yeah?"

"Niki, we're talking about how much we have to do, and you think we should stop?" Quackity asked.

"Yeah," Niki nodded, "A little break never hurt anybody. Besides we're already ranting out about stuff we're stressing about," she said. "Why not let every worry out so that it won't hang in the back of our heads."

The others looked at each other, "Yeah, alright," Sapnap said. "I'll start, I guess."

"So the only classes that I'm actually having trouble with is Astronomy," Sapnap said. "History of Magic is  just a lot to take in. Electives are the worst though," he sighed. "I have Ancient Runes and Arithmancy."

"Why would you take two of the harder electives anyway?" Ant asked.

"I didn't!" Sapnap said. "I chose Divination and Care for Magical Creatures. I got kicked out of CMC."

This caused the people sat at the table to burst into a fit of hushed laughter and giggles, "You would get kicked out of Care for Magical Creatures wouldn't you," Karl said.

"I'm telling you, that Unicorn hated me," Sapnap said.

"Alright, what about Divination?" Jack asked.

"Dropped it," Sapnap said. "I literally have no clue what's happening half the time. I would have taken Muggle Studies, but the Professor won't allow transfers."

"Divination isn't that hard," Fundy said.

"Says you," Quackity said. "You have funky dreams that's actually useful in divination."

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