The Tale Of The Pink Hair

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Chapter Summary:

Technoblade didn't always have pink hair. In fact, there would be a few students that could still remember what he looked like as a brunet. Why is it pink now? Well, that's just what happens when you leave a bunch of 11 year olds with wands unsupervised.


"Wands at the ready," the charms professor, said.

Technoblade, a first year Ravenclaw, raised his right arm, ready to cast the spell to light up the tip of his wand. All he needed was the go signal.

"Excuse me." The classroom door suddenly opened revealing a student. "Professor Wittlemire, the headmaster requests for you to go to his office."

"Oh, what is it this time," Techno hears the professor mumble. "Alright, students, please keep still, no wand swishing."

The professor left the room. Which is probably not the best idea because that would be a disaster waiting to happen. In fact, something's going on right now.

The first year Ravenclaws weren't the only ones present in this morning's charms lesson. On the right side of the classroom, there sat the Slytherins.

"Professor left a book," one of the Slytherins, a boy with blond hair and green eyes—Dream's his name, Techno supposed, it was what Wilbur told him—stated, catching everyone's attention.

"Oh, should we look? I bet we can find cool spells there." Techno raised an eyebrow, surprised that his younger twin brother would be the one suggesting such idea.

Everyone was silent for a moment, but eventually, almost everyone was bundled around the desk up front, trying to look at the advance charms spells.

"Hey, Techno, don't you want to see?" Wilbur asked from where he stood at the front of the room.

Techno, who hasn't moved an inch from his seat, was tempted to go but he had to set a good example for his brother. That's what Phil always told him.

"C'mon, look there are a few spells here that I've heard Dad do," Wilbur tried persuading him once more.

He wanted to resist—nah he didn't. He wanted to see that book, and see that book he will. You should know better than to keep a Ravenclaw like Techno from being curious. 

"Oh, you're right, Phil uses some of these," Techno said as he flipped around the pages.

"Hey, I bet I can do one of the harder ones," Dream challenged.

Techno looked at the boy who was sitting on one of the desks, cross-legged. He observed the blond for a moment, finding his confidence too good to be true.

"Alright, I'll bite. What does the winner get out of it?" Techno turned to face the boy fully.

"Wait, wait, I don't think this is a good idea," Wilbur reasoned.

"Oh ease up Wilbur," Dream said. "Nothing serious, I think bragging rights would suffice."

"Yeah Wilbur, were not going to duel or somethin'" Techno said.

"Alright, me first." Dream grabbed the book from the table flipping through the pages. "Oh, this one would do." Dream pointed his wand at a random chair at the back of the classroom "Tarantallegra!" 

The moment the red light hit the chair, it began to shake, soon enough it broke out in a full spasm as the chair's legs went wild. Though, if you look at it closely, it does seem like the chair is dancing.

Techno hummed, "Alright, not bad." He flipped through the spell book, eyes landing on a spell that according to the professor's notes is to be taught to third years. Techno smirked and read through the passage.

Dream SMP (Hogwarts AU)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ