Bad Idea

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Tommy was in Diagon Alley and was supposed to buy one item for Phil, but instead he finds Jack there and the two got sidetracked. 

Note: I edited the Info List, Jack Manifold is a fifth year, Gryffindor (Same as Q and Sapnap).  but this is set summer before Tommy's fourth year so he's only a third year, while Jack is a fourth year.


"Just Floo Powder, alright, Tommy?" Phil yelled after the young blond.

"Yeah, yeah, I know what to do Phil." Tommy chuckled as he grabbed Floo powder from an almost empty container by their fireplace. "Diagon Alley!" Tommy threw the powder down and was engulfed by flames.

Tommy hopped out from the other side of the fireplace, into Diagon Alley. "Now, Floo powder," Tommy trialed off, as he looked at the signs trying to figure out where he could find some. "Ohhh," he said as he spotted the road to Knockturn Alley.

"Oi, where do you think you're going?" 

Tommy looked around, trying to find the person who spoke, "Over here, ya dickhead!"

"Jack Manifold!" Tommy greeted as he spotted the teen who was hanging around outside a shop.

"Just buying a couple of things for my mum, you?" Jack asked.

"Buying Floo powder," Tommy said. "We're almost out 'cause fuckin' Wilbur spilled half of it into the fireplace just the other week. 

"Uhuh, and why were you heading to Knockturn Alley rather than to the Floo powder shop?" Jack raised an eyebrow. 

Tommy smirked, "Well, Phil didn't say where I'm supposed to buy it."

"Eyyy! I like your thinking, big man," Jack grinned.

"You coming with me, Jack?" Tommy asked.

"Yeah, why not," Jack shrugged his shoulders before following the younger.

They walked down the—somehow darker—alleyway. Wizards and witches alike stalked the road, offering the boys funky shit. "C'mon now, it's only a couple of Galleons," one offered.

Tommy let out a nervous laugh, "No thanks, lady."

"The lad said no, leave it," Jack said, pushing Tommy lightly to make him move faster.

"So, where are we going?" Tommy asked.

"No clue," Jack said. "This is my first time down here."

"Well, I need Floo powder—"

"Floo powder! I have something better!" A man suddenly jumped out from the space between two shops.

"AHHH!" Both Jack and Tommy yelled as they ran away from the man. 

"Kneazle?" Someone practically shoved a thin, sickly looking cat in front of the two—stopping their little run—"Kneazle, my dears?"

"That cat looks dead," Jack said.

"No it's not," the person said bringing the cat closer to their ears. "Listen," they hissed as they whispered.


"Okay! I uhh already have a pet owl, so no thanks," Tommy said, slowly lowering the person's hand..

"Yeah, and I'm not much of a pet person," Jack said as he and Tommy slowly walked around the woman and fast walked away, hearing a "But you could be!" from the person.

"Well that was the most...interesting...nearly five minutes of my life," Jack said.

Tommy laughed, "Why did we even go here?"

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