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Technoblade has always been amazed with Phil's ability to transform into an animal. Now, he can finally be one. What could possibly go wrong?

Set during Techno's thrid year.

Today's the day. Technoblade thought as he stared at the phial in his hand. He has worked hard for this and if it fails he was gonna—

Blood for the Blood God!

"No, chat!" Techno scolded. "I'd rather not get expelled, or put in detention."

Pff. Technoscared.


"I am not scared," Techno said calmly before sighing.

He has done everything that he needs to do. He's done his 'homework'...


"Techno?" He hears Wilbur's voice coming from behind him. "I swear, if you're reading that fucking Transfiguration book again." Based on the shadow that loomed over him, Techno could guess Wilbur moved  front of him now. "Unbelievable," the younger of the two said.

"What?" Techno asked.

"What do you mean 'what?'" Wilbur said. "Did you even eat lunch yet?"

"I've eaten," Techno said.

"Lunch?" Wilbur asked.

"... I'd say an apple is healthy enough," Technoblade said.

"Yeah, no," Wilbur said, reaching for Techno's wrist. "C'mon, you're eating something more than an apple."

"I have to study though," Techno said but didn't fight Wilbur who was pulling him towards the Great Hall.

"Study what exactly?" Wilbur asked. "Tech, you're one of the smartest students in this school," he said. "You don't have to sacrifice necessities for a stupid book." Wilbur urged for the pink haired male to sit down.

"...Okay," Techno said. "Thanks."


Techno smiled as he thought back at the memory. That was step one finished. Next one was the Mandrake leaf.



"I know!" Technoblade agreed with the voices in his head. "Whoever made this a step had nothin' better to do with their life."


Christmas break has come once more. Techno was thankful that he chose to do the Mandrake step at home. Doing this at school would have been a pain.

"Here you go," Phil placed a plate of food in front of Techno.

Technoblade furrowed his eyebrows. They usually have empty plates and would grab the food that what they want from the middle of the table.

"Don't worry, mate," Phil said. "It's nothing bad. I just made your food a bit sweeter, because I am telling you, Mandrake Leaf with food is bitter as fuck."

"Thank you," Techno said before taking a bite.

Phil was right. Even with the sweeter food. It still tasted bitter. Well, at least it was better than without the excess sweetness.


Worst thing about that was he swallowed the leaf in his sleep three days before the end of the month!

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