The Case Of The Missing Parchment

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Jack's bundle of parchment goes missing so he and Niki go around being detectivea to find its whereabouts.


When Jack woke up that morning to study for a test the next day. He expected that he could revise his notes, easily.

That was until he noticed that the parchment he was going to write on was missing.

"What the—" he said as he rummaged through his stuff.


"Alright, who the fuck stole it?" He asked himself.

Jack went around the room, checking his roommates stuff while not actually checking their stuff. He wasn't gonna go rummaging in their bags. That was a dick move. He just checked around their beds.

When he found nothing. He decided that maybe this should be settled face to face with the suspects.

He walked out of the Gryffindor common room wearing clothes that resemble ones that detectives wear, along with a matching magnifying glass, then made his way to the Great Hall.

"Good morning Jack!" A voice called from behind him.

Turning around, Jack found a pink haired Niki walking towards him with a wide smile on her face.

"Niki! This is perfect timing!" Jack exclaimed. "I'm so glad to see you."

Niki nodded at him, "Nice to see you too Jack. What's with the outfit though?" she asked.

"I have a case before me and I require your assistance. If you will?" Jack asked her.

Niki hummed, "I don't see why not. What's the case about?"

"The Case of The Missing Parchment!" Jack said as he did dramatic movements for every word as he wrote them in the air with his wand.

Niki awed at the colorful writing and clapped her hands. "Do you have any suspects?"

"Of course," he said. "Suspect numbers 1 and 2, Sapnap and Quackity. I share a dorm with them so it won't be unlikely."

Niki nodded, "Yes, that does sound like something that they'd do." She walked over to the double doors of the Great Hall and peeked inside. She immediately spotted said Gryffindors goofing around with the mail. "Shall we?"

"We shall."

Jack and Niki walked into the Great Hall with a mission, as well as an unexplainable aura surrounding them. It wasn't threatning, quite far from it actually. But an aura nonetheless.

"Okay, do you think if I send a prank letter to the Minister of Magic he'd send one back?" Quackity asked.

"I dunno, it's gonna be anonymous, so how's he gonna respond? What are you even gonna tell him?" Sapnap asked with a laugh.

"Something like 'Ministe of Magic, Vikkstar, will you take me out on a date?' but in a scary looking handwriting ," Quackity said.

"Don't worry, I think your handwriting's got that down," Sapnap said.

"I have impeccable handwriting, mind you," Quackity said.

"Sorry to interrupt this...interesting...conversation, gentlemen," Jack said, stepping up next to Sapnap while Niki stood behind Quackity on the opposite side of the table.

"What? Why are you dressed like that?" Quackity asked with a nervous kind of laugh.

"Nothing to worry about," Niki said with a sweet smile.

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