Fundy's Prophecy

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Fundy is one of the best students in Divination. He never really knew why, he assumed he was just lucky at guessing. However an incident just makes it so clear that he can't say that he's just lucky.


When Fundy walked into the Great Hall, fox ears twitching in irritation. He slumped down onto his seat, frown present on his face. "Yeesh, what happened to you?" Fundy looked up and found Tubbo covered in paint. 

"What happened to me? What the fuck happened to you?" Fundy asked back. 

"I have been sworn to secrecy," Tubbo answered.

"Okay?" Fundy didn't want to know what kind of secret thing Tubbo has going on 'cause knowing the young brunet, it was bound to be mind blowing—could be literal, could be not, he leaves it up to you. 

"So, what happened to you?" Tubbo repeated.

"Just woke up from a weird dream," Fundy said. 

"Don't you have weird dreams all the time?" Tubbo asked. "Like you can predict the future or something."

"Tubbo, that was two times, and I don't think 'predicting' that owls are going to be living in our tower while the Owlery is being fix counts as predicting as you literally have expressed that you wanted to blow it up long before the incident," Fundy said.

"But it came from your dreams," Tubbo said, "Isn't that cool though? Tell me about your dream last night," he prompted.

"I don't—well I'm not even sure if half of what I'm gonna tell you actually happened in my dream or my mind s just trying to fill the gaps since I barely remember my dreams after I wake up," Fundy warned.

"I'll take it," Tubbo said, reaching for some food. 

Fundy hummed, "The one thing that's consistent in my dreams are papers signed with a smile using green ink at the bottom. I don't know if they're supposed to be contracts or whatever, but I don't even know what they're for so I wouldn't think much of it.

Another thing from last night is something big being engulfed in blue fire. I could barely make out flying broomsticks and screaming people. Do you think it's actually a prediction or am I just getting wonky dreams?"

"I dunno," Tubbo answered, "The burning is thing is gonna be bad. From what you described I think there's some sort of event since the venue is big and there are a lot of people. But that's all I can think of. Maybe you should ask Professor Seon when you have Divination."

Fundy frowned at the suggestion, "I don't think you've met Professor Seon, Tubbo. They're uhh kind of a fake? I'm not sure but like, they give those vibes you know."

"Well, whatever you think is best, I guess," Tubbo bit into a toast, "I mean, it's your dreams."

"Please don't talk while you chew, I barely understood what you said," Fundy said.

"What are you? My mom?" Tubbo made a face.

Fundy let out a sigh of defeat, "You know what, maybe I'll figure it out later in class. I'll just read up on the books at the Divination classroom. I'm sure those have something."


"There is literally nothing here." Fundy dropped his head onto the open book making the table below make a 'thud' sound.

"What are you even doing?" Quackity asked, pulling the book from under Fundy and making a disgusted face, "Ew, more studying," he pushed the book away after seeing the contents. 

"I'm not studying, this is a personal matter," Fundy said, closing the book to show the cover, "It's a book on interpreting dreams but I got nothing except destruction but like what else is fire and screaming supposed to symbolize?" 

"I don't know man," Quackity said. "Maybe there's just no hidden meaning in them?" 

"What? You're telling me it's just literal?" Fundy asked. "That something is just going to explode in flames one day?"

"Why don't you ask Professor Seon?" Quackity suggested.

Fundy frowned at him, "You are literally passing Divination with Es."

"What's that supposed to mean," Quackity asked in fake offence then a chuckle, "Yeah, I have no clue how the fuck I'm passing this class, but I am not complaining."

"I'm just saying that maybe Professor Seon is a—" Fundy looked around the classroom and found the professor way at the back helping a study read palms—"fraud," he continued.

"And what? You're a Seer?" Quackity teased with a smirk.

"I'm not—I'm not saying that," Fundy said. "I just—I don't know. I want to think these are just normal dreams, but normal dreams don't have a certain odd feeling that comes with it when I wake up." 

"Class! Listen up!" The professor called their attention to the front of the class. "We're done for the day. Please bring your final outputs on my desk before leaving," they yawned. "That's all you're dismissed." 

"And there they go," Fundy said as he watched Professor Seon get out of the classroom before anyone else, not wanting to miss out on her favorite dish for lunch. He and Quackity waited until everyone had gone so they don't have to meet with the crowd when submitting their outputs. 

"Man, I really wanna buy some Burger King right about now, but only if they give me extra coupons," Quackity stated as they got up.

"What's a Burger King?" Fundy asked.

"Aw, I forgot you guys don't have fast food only those fancy schmancy magical food," Quackity commented. "Haven't you been to the Muggle world?" 

"I go sometimes, but I don't really eat there," Fundy said. "My parents wanted me to eat specific foods considering the fox curse. Anyway—"

Quackity turned to face Fundy when he stopped talking, "Anyway?" He prompted but was only met by silence and a Fundy staring of to the distance. "Fundy—"

"In the end of the fifth moon, darkness will rise,

so keep your friends upon close eyes.

Because blind as you may be, the enemy can see,

traitors they'll use as their sight.

Never you worry, the villain can't boast.

Threatened by colors of red, green, and both,

For these heroes of three, will help set them free, 

by defeating a red monstrosity."

Fundy's shoulder's loosened up and his eyes focused back, "Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked Quackity, who's face was starstruck.

"Fundy, you're a fucking Seer!"


I've done it, it's written. Prophecy my abhorred, I  can't rhyme for shit. I hope you still enjoyed the chapter though (and maybe the prophecy, I dunno lmaoo)

Thank you for all the support you guys have been giving, I really do appreciate it <3

Also, the day is finally here! Dark Era (Hogwarts AU), is finally out! If you plan on reading it, I hope you enjoy. If you don't, don't worry, I'll still be putting out oneshots on this book, which will still allude to the multi-chapter fic, but I'll make it so it'll seem like a normal oneshot.

Thank you for reading! Comments and suggestions are appreciated.


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