So You Want To Be A Prefect?

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After hearing about the advantages of being a prefect, Fundy asks Wilbur to help him to become one.

Note: Set during Fundy's 4th Year, Wilbur's 5th Year


Wilbur laughed at Fundy's question, "You want to be prefect? Why the fuck do you want to be a prefect?"

Fundy raised an eyebrow at the older student, "What do you mean why? You guys have a lot of advantages, I mean you can dock points from student. Hell you have your own bathroom!" 

Wilbur hummed, "No, I don't think you understand, being a prefect has a lot of responsibilities." 

"Pfff," Fundy rolled his eyes, "You don't think I can be responsible?" 

"It's not that," Wilbur said. "You know what? I have a patrol later tonight, you want to come along?"

"Yeah!" Fundy exclaimed.

Wilbur chuckled before ruffling the younger's hair—Fundy's fox ears folding as he did so. "See you later fox boy, furry—as muggles call them." Wilbur waved as he walked away.

"It's a family curse!" Fundy yelled, trying to defend himself. It really is a family curse, his 72nd? great grandfather pissed off a witch and now their whole blood line was cursed to have fox features—ears and tail for Fundy, and sometimes his mannerism too.

When nighttime came along, Fundy was waiting up in the Ravenclaw Tower—still dressed in robes and all, waiting for Wilbur so that he wouldn't get in trouble for being out pass curfew. "There you are!" Fundy said when he spotted the brunet walking up the stairs.

"Sorry, we had a little meeting before we were allowed to go," Wilbur said.

Fundy groaned, "Let's just go,' he said. "It's already pass midnight, this is worst than waiting for Astronomy class."

"If you think this is bad, the patrol usually last for two, sometimes, three hours," Wilbur said.

Fundy groaned, "No, no," he said. "This is a trick and I am not falling for it."

"What trick?" Wilbur asked.

"You know what you're doing," Fundy narrowed his eyes at the older.

"I'm not doing anything," Wilbur said. "Just showing you the reality of being a prefect."

"You don't really have to stay up so late," Fundy said. "Right?"

"No...I mean sometimes, yeah, but not all the time," Wilbur said, making Fundy mumble something under his breath. "What was that?"

"Nothing! Let's just go," Fundy said. "I'm tired," he yawned.

The two continued going around the castle, starting on the fourth floor—the other Slytherin prefect patrolling downstairs—making their way to the seventh.

"What do you even expect to find?" Fundy asked as he checked another classroom.

Wilbur hummed, "Students out of bed, ideally, but I did catch a bunch of Kneazles having some sort of meeting once. Had to bring them back to their owner's common room entrances."

"What the fuck?" Fundy asked. "Was Boots part of that?" 

"No, but Patches was," Wilbur said. "Maybe Enderchest too, but I didn't manage to catch'em so..." he shrugged.

"I swear if some freaky shit happens tonight, I am suing you," Fundy said.

"For what?" Wilbur exclaimed looking behind him to face Fundy, but instead, something else caught his eye. "Oh will you look at that," he said.

Fundy turned around and found two students—already in their sleepwear—by the end of the hallway, wandering around the castle. The two made eye contact with Fundy and Wilbur. 

"Good evening folks," Wilbur greeted. "Prefect here, why may I ask are you two out when it's way pass curfew?"

"Will you believe us if we said we were out for remedial potion lessons?" One said in a loud voice.

"No," Wilbur said. 

"Well shit," the other said before both of them made a run for it.

"Come back here!" Wilbur yelled after the two students who scrambled to get away. He ran after them, dragging Fundy by the wrist along with him. He took out his wand from his robe pocket and tried to cast a binding spell, but missed when the two split their ways down the hallway. "Fundy, you go after that one," he pointed to the right before taking a left.

"Wait, what?" Fundy asked but Wilbur was already gone. "Oh for fuck's sake!" He yelled before going after the other guy.

"Hold it!" Fundy called after them, but they made no effort in stopping. Fundy looked around, they were nearing the end of that hallway and there will be two possible ways up ahead. If he could make the person turn right, they'll end up at a dead end. The fox-like boy grinned. Taking out his wand, he aimed at the statue by the left turn, "Avifors!" 

The statue transformed into a bundle of birds which flew towards the other student making them yell as they turned right. The birds escaped through the high windows of the caste, leaving a smirking Fundy and the other student.

"C'mon man, we can talk about this!" They yelled.

Fundy scoffed, "Look bud, even though we're from the same house, I'm gonna be held responsible if you escape, so, no."

"H—how do you even know what house I'm from?!" They exclaimed.

"Well, for one, I'm still wearing my school robes," Fundy said pointing to the Ravenclaw patch on his robe. "So you obviously what house I'm from. If you were from the other three houses, you would have immediately made way to your common room so I wouldn't be able to follow you," he explained. "But you're not from the other houses, so you didn't bother, knowing that I could easily follow you inside."

The student glared at him.

"Hey, it's not my fault you couldn't get away," Fundy said. "Now, c'mon."

The student just sighed and followed Fundy to where they eventually met up with Wilbur who had the other student stand behind him—their hands bound together by a spell. "Oh, you actually caught them," Wilbur said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Fundy narrowed his eyes at the brunet.

Wilbur shrugged, "Well, I think you've proven yourself. If you want I can put in a word to the headmaster."

"NO!" Fundy exclaimed. "As amazing as I am at this, it's just..." he shook his head. "No, no. Not worth it."

Wilbur laughed, "I thought you wanted your own bathroom?"

"Yeah, Tubbo once sneaked into my dorm—Ranboo's request—to put something that turned my hair violet in my shampoo bottle." Fundy sighed, "I'll just rig the bathroom in my dorm and hopefully remember that I rigged it before going inside. That would be a less hassle than doing whatever the fuck this is every night."

"So are we supposed to stand here all night or...?" On of the students asked.

Wilbur looked behind him. 

"Well if you want to get to detention that badly, then be our guest. C'mon!"


New part here! Fun fact, I read 'prefect' as 'perfect' and never realized I was misreading it 'til, like Order of the Phoenix, all because of that "Perfect Percy" line back in the first book.

Thank you again for all the support, I really appreciate it!I hope you liked this part!

Thank you for reading! Comments and suggestions are appreciated.


Dream SMP (Hogwarts AU)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora