Pfff, I'm Not Scared Of Techno

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Technoblade was feared by many, for good reason too. Quackity was part of this "many."

Note: This could be read as a stand-alone fic, just a deeper dive into whatever happened to Quackity in  Potion Delivery Mishap.


Everyone knew who Technoblade was. Whether it's from his skills as a Beater or his god-tier dueling that some might say is better than a few professors—or even just his long pink hair, as the first years would say when asked if they knew the sixth year. 

Minus that little fact at the end, people were scared of Techno because of teh first two things that he is known for. One of those people is Quackity. Yeah, they may be part of the same friend group, but Quackity was sure as hell scared of the one with fucking "Blood God" as a title.

That doesn't stop him from trying to overcome his fears though. 

"Technoblade!" Quackity exclaimed as he was passing the Great Hall. "Good morning Technoblade," he greeted.

"Good mornin' Quackity," Techno greeted in a monotonous tone. "Are you not eating breakfast?"

"Nah, I ate a shit ton with the boys last night," Quackity said. "Except George. Motherfucker was asleep, so he's in there," he added, pointing inside the Great Hall. "Anyway, I'm meeting the others at the courtyard, so see ya." Quackity gave a wave before passing Technoblade.




"Are you following me?" Quackity asked the man behind him.

"No, no," Technoblade said. "I just happen to be going the same way."

"Ahh, yeah."

"Hello, Big Q! Technoblade!" Niki greeted as she approached the two. "I have something for you two." She grabbed two chocolates from a small bag. "Happy Valentine's! That's from me and the fourth years."

"Aww, thank you Niki," Quackity said.

"Thank you," Techno said, stuffing the small chocolate in his pocket.

"Have a good day, boys!"

"Niki's real sweet, huh?" Quackity said, trying to start small talk.

"Yes, I would say so."




"Are—aren't you walking a little too close?" Quackity asked as Technoblade reach the spot beside him.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Techno said.

Quackity gave a nervous chuckle before walking a little faster. Technoblade also sped up. Quackity's mouth gave the older a strained smile before speeding up again. What the fuck? What the actual fuck?? Why the hell is he following me!

Quackity decided to make a detour. Instead of the courtyard, he headed towards the Black Lake. He looked back, Techno was still following him. "Umm, Techno! I thought you were headed to the courtyard?"

"I never said that," Techno said.

"You said you were going the same way?"

"I still am," Techno said. "I'm going the way your going."

"What the heck man?" Quackity yelled as he began straight up running.

"Why are you running Quackity?"

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