Keith The Dragon

726 52 74

Chapter Summary:

Tommy, Techno, and Wilbur visit a Dragon Sanctuary.

Note: Set a week into Christmas break of Tommy's 4th year.


"Give me one good reason to allow the three of you to go to somewhere as dangerous as a dragon sanctuary?" Phil crossed his arms at his children as they ate breakfast.

"It'll be educational."

"Brotherly bonding."


Phil sighed. Two out of three of the reasons were actually good. He hummed, "Fine—"

"Yes!" Tommy exclaimed.

"Techno and Wilbur," Phil faced the twins, "I am trusting—"

"Oh Wil think of all the dragons!" Tommy said. "Do you reckon we can fly one?"

"I mean, if we're persuasive enough, why not?" Wilbur said, jokingly.

Phil faced his eldest, "Techno, I am trusting you to not get your brothers killed."

"No promises," Techno said as he sipped his juice.

Phil was going to regret this, he was sure of it.


"Move over Blade," Tommy said, as he dropped down to a seat in their chosen train compartment. Techno glared at the young blond lightly after he managed to move quickly enough not to get crushed by the boy's weight.

"Alright," Wilbur said as he lifted their bags and put it in the space above. "I have a deck of Exploding Snap, who wants to play?" He pulled out the cards from the pocket of his robes.

They played for a bit, most rounds ended up with the card exploding in Tommy's face because the boy was too excited and tapped the card with his wand even if it didn't have a pair. "I fucking hate this game," Tommy said as he rubbed the soot out of his face.

Wilbur and Techno laughed. "Have you tried not sucking at the game?" Techno asked.

"Oh shut up," Tommy retorted.

"I quit," Techno said, leaning back on his seat. "I'm gonna go and sleep. The sanctuary is like seven hours away."

"You sure you wanna go to sleep?" Wilbur asked. "The first thing we're doing when we get there is check into an inn, have a quick dinner and go to bed," he explained, considering that the three of them left for the sanctuary at 2 pm, and would be arriving at 9.

"Yes," Techno said, "So you two, shut it." He rested his head on the wall beside his seat, covering his head with the hood of his robes.

A few minutes passed and sure enough, Techno was snoring lightly. Tommy carefully crossed to the other side of the compartment, settling beside Wilbur. He leaned over and whispered, "Did you bring an inkwell?"

Wilbur looked down at Tommy, whispering back, "No, but I have something that muggles call 'Markers'." He pulled a black marker from his bag with a smirk.

Very carefully the two of them drew on Techno's face. A small mustache, angry eyebrows and a silly face on his cheek. "He's beauty, he's grace," Wilbur teased in a singing tone while Tommy was dying beside him, trying to conceal his snickering. 

They eventually settled down and talked among themselves. 


"I am going to feed you two to the dragons," Technoblade said, clearing the vandalism on his face with his wand. Lucky for him, he was of age and was able to perform magic out of school without getting in trouble.

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