Start from the beginning

"Beamie" I heard Forth said but I ignored him. Closed my eyes

"Beam," He said again


"Have you changed your mind?"

"About?" I knew what he meant by that but I choose to pretends that I had no idea,

"Your treatment."


"Please... We need you. Hanie needs you. I need you." Forth said.

"Go to sleep, you need rest."

I didn't even open my eyes. I could feel his lingering gaze on me. He is saying that because He doesn't know what I did. When I recalled the past times. I clearly remembered that day.

It all started that day. 25th August. I was nearly eight months pregnant. I was resting on my bed when I got that call. Her call. My orphanage headmistress. I practically knew her all my life. She asked me to come to visit her as soon as possible. And she was talking so desperately saying she has something really important to tell me and she can't tell me on the phone. Unfortunately, Forth was on a trip for a week for shooting. So I took HIM with me. I entered the room with the help of HIM. As my pregnancy was complicated, I was supposed to have a bed request. But when your mother figure calls you with such desperation, you can't help it. So I went to meet her. We went there in such a hurry thinking something bad has happened but the scene in front of us was saying something different. She was laughing with that man. Wait I know that man. Oh my god. What is he doing here? I looked at HIM. HE seems as surprised as me seeing that man there. I wished I could have not done that mistake that day. I should not have taken that decision. I wish I could turn time back. With that thought, I could feel my eyelids getting heavy and everything went pitch black.

I could hear faint voices around me. It was Hanie. He was laughing at something. I slowly opened my eyes but immediately closed them. My head is aching so much.

"Papa" I opened my eyes to see Hanie leaning close to my face.

"He is awake"

I looked around to see Sin, Forth, Phana, Ming standing by the side of my bed.

"What is going on?" I asked as I lift myself up but Sin gently pushed me down.

"Lay down," said Sin

"Why-owww" damn why is body aching so much? I was fine last night. And why the hell do I have a bandage on my forehead. This is so damn confusing.

"Papa you should lay down you did surgy"

"W-what?" I asked.

"He means surgery" replied Sin

"WHAT!" With that, I tried to sit up but the sudden wave of pain hit me so hard making me slump on the bed. What surgery. What is he talking about? I looked at Sin who now picked up Hanie in his arms. And Other three were looking at each other. All of them were avoiding my eyes.

"THE HELL ANYONE TELL ME WHAT IS GOING ON?" I practically yelled. I could see Hanie flinched but I couldn't care less at this moment.

"Beam,... Look... You should take a rest. I will tell you everything. For now, pl-" Phana said coming forward. I don't have that patience to know what the hell these people do behind my back.

"JUST TELL ME WHAT DID YOU GUYS DO?" they still kept silent. I looked at the only person I could suspect behind all this.

"Forth" He still didn't look at me.

"I know it's you" I gave an "I know" look.

"Umm ...well ... What is the last thing you remember?" He asked

His EX-HUSBAND (Forthbeam)Where stories live. Discover now