• KH Vanitas - Strange feeling

Start from the beginning

Thinking about what his actions could have as consequences really started to annoy Vanitas. This was completely out of character for him. Normally he would never bother planning things and just jump right into action.

" Kairi can I ask you something?" the H/c haired asked while kicking at the sand under her feet

" Go ahead"

" How does it feel to be interested in someone? Like for you and Sora in the beginning?" 

The girl tilted her head to the side and thought " Oh boy..um"

You side eyed her, patiently waiting for an answer " I think the most simple explanation would be that you can't get him out of your head. They will fill your mind for ninety percent of the time. Oh and whenever you see them, your heart will flutter and you'll get nervous when there around you."

The H/c haired nodded her head, intrigued at this discovery " Why do you wanna know?"

Looking away you shrugged your shoulders " No particular reason"

Kairi's eyes widen and a huge smile spread across her lips " Oh my god, you like someone!" She excitingly jumped " Tell me, is it Riku? Roxas? Terra? Oh wait maybe Ventus?"

" Wow calm down" you grabbed her by the shoulders making her stop moving like a kangaroo " It's not someone you know"

The red headed pouted " To bad, it would've been nice if it was Ventus though" she mumbled under her breath. She always thought you two would look cute together.

" To tell you the truth, I don't really know them either" you admitted making your friend raise and eyebrow in confusion

" I just happen to come across them during our last battle" you walked towards the sea and stood at the edge. A sudden wave of water came your way and submerged your feet. The feeling of the cold, salty liquid against your skin made you close your eyes and tilt your back in enjoyment

" Since then I haven't been able to forget them. His face and his piercing gaze was quite alluring. He intrigues me" 

Kairi came to stand next to you " Is he from another world?"

You nodded " And is he on the good side?" she tentatively asked 

At this question your remained silent making your her frown " Please don't tell me he's with the organization thirteen?"

Looking at your friend you flashed her a cheeky smile before stepping further in to the water. You continued until the waves almost got to the end of your shorts " I've never experienced something like this before. And I know it's a shame that the first guy I've take an interest in, is someone from the darkness"

Looking over your shoulder a sudden wind flag came from behind you, making your hair flutter " However despite all of that, I wanna explore this feeling further and see where it will lead me. So no matter what people may say I want to see him again" 

At this statement, Kairi knew that nothing could change her friends mind ones it was settled. And when looking into her eyes, she could see how excited she was. 

Shaking her head she let out a giggle " Then I guess I'll support you, for now at least"

As for the boy, who remained in a crouched position behind some bushes, he found himself at loss for words. He could only stare at the girl in the water with a bewilderment expression

" So..I'm attracted to her?" he mumbled in disbelief " And it seems she as well " He let the information he heard sink in

To his relief most of his questions were answered and apparently just like him, you also wanted to meet him again. 

For some reason he found himself growing excited over it. He didn't know how or when this would occur but that didn't matter. He just needed to have patience, which was unfortunately not his strongest quality. 

Or maybe someday he could take the initiate and contact you. He knew were you lived so that was certainly an option to consider.

Feeling satisfied, he stood up, dusted himself off before opening a portal behind him. 

Turning around he was about to walk through it but gazed one more time at the ocean to see the girl. However when he did so his golden eyes made direct contact with her E/c ones.

She had seen him and all of sudden Vanitas felt his chest tighten and his face slightly flushing red.

With the sun going down behind the H/c haired girl, a glow formed around her making her stand out. And with the sky turning an orange, yellow color accompanied with fluffy clouds floating in the air, the boy found himself in some kind of trance.

He was beyond captivated

And for you, Vanitas his inner feelings were mutually shared. Your heart rhythm quickened and an overwhelming feeling of joy coursed through your entire body. 

You wanted to call out to him, but the words got caught up in your throat.

Yet when you saw him resuming making his way towards the dark portal, only then did you manage to shout a " Hey "

As a response, all that vanities gave you was a smirk followed with wink, before disappearing from your view.

As a response, all that vanities gave you was a smirk followed with wink, before disappearing from your view

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