Chapter 10

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That is all Harry sees as of now. Every time his angers goes down, Harry sees Zayn and that is all it takes for his anger to go soaring back up. The fear, the hurt, the pain in his voice, the wince, the tears, the pain on his face, it's so hard to see it.


Zayn is walking down the corridor, heading to the exit where he is supposed to meet Zia and Harry. They are going to his house today, as it has been many days since he and Zia have met Anne.

He is near the lockers when Zayn feels a pair of hands push him back into the lockers with a force so much, that it hurts his back. He looks into the blue eyes and immediately knows who it is. Chad. Fear crawls into Zayn, as he looks up at him with frightened eyes, something which makes Chad only more excited to harm him.

The first blow is inflicted on his stomach, which blows the air out of Zayn's lungs. Chad is one of those people who find pleasure in other people's pain. Zayn's pain, his whimpers, bring pleasure and smiles to his face. As twisted as it is, that is exactly what is happening. He continues to harm and beat Zayn, who whimpers occasionally but bears it all without a scream.

Suddenly, Chad holds Zayn's hand and presses it down, hard. He yelps out as searing pain shoots through his arm. It feels as though a hundred needles are being repeatedly pierced into his arms continuously. Tears form in his eyes and he looks up at Chad, silently pleading for him to let go of his arm. But Chad just laughs,

"So what I saw indeed is true. You're just a freak, aren't you Zayn? Couldn't handle a bit of daddy issues and you go running to Harry huh? Pathetic mate! How does it feel, huh, how does it feel when you see that blood? Does it pain?"

Saying so, he presses down harder on his hand at which Zayn screams out. Chad can feel some liquid flow through the sleeve into his hand, looking down, he sees the red liquid seep through. He pressed hard enough to reopen some of the wounds.

By now, Zayn is a crying mess, the pain in his hand reaching to a point where it is unbearable. But this earns no ounce of humanity, whatsoever from Chad. If anything, he only harms Zayn more forcefully.

Zayn just slides down, with his back against the locker doors, the second Chad leaves him. He is panting, as his whole body is aching, but Zayn is mostly in tears because of his hands. They are paining like never before, blood seeping through the sleeves of his shirt and dripping down onto the floor.

Zayn is so tired... so very tired. He just closes his eyes and gently puts his head against the locker door. Tears are still streaming down his face, but Zayn doesn't bother wiping them away, more like, he can't. The pain in his arms are making it nearly impossible for him to move his arms.


Harry starts to worry when he sees that Zayn still hasn't come. He is twenty minutes late, and that is unusual. He asks Liam to be with Zia, while he goes to look for Zayn.

He reaches the lockers when he hears the quite sniffs. He looks in that direction to see Zayn with his head against the lockers. Harry immediately rushes to the lad's side. His eyes widen when he sees the blood pooling in front of him.

He cautiously overturns Zayn's hands and pulls back his sleeves. Harry gasps when he sees the white bandage which has now turned completely red. Zayn sniffles occasionally, and with each sniffle, Harry's heart breaks a bit more.

He tries to move Zayn's arm to examine it, but that earns a loud scream from the lad. He sees that there are finger shaped bruise marks, which means Zayn didn't do this to himself, someone else did. And Harry knows exactly who that person is.

He carefully removes the bandages from Zayn's hands, while trying to soothe the clearly shaken lad. As soon as the bandages are off, he winces upon seeing the wounds. Some of the healing wounds have reopened, causing a lot of bleeding.

Luckily, Harry always has a mini first aid kit with him all the time, so he quickly cleans the wounds up and rebandages his hands. He then stands up and when Zayn tries to stand up, he doesn't miss the wince from him.

Chad hurt him on more than just his hands.

Zayn clutches his shooting abdomen and hunches over, leaning against the locker for support. He tries to regulate his breathing, while Harry puts his hand on his shoulder to show his support. When he is sure that Zayn is okay, he slowly asks him,

"Babe, what happened? Who did this?"

"Chad, h-he came out of nowhere. H-Harry he saw me, the o-other day in the g-grounds. A-And he pressed h-hard on my hands which m-made me scream o-out. I-I didn't want to s-scream out, but the p-pain was too m-much."

Harry gets visibly angry, but calms down immediately when he sees the scared lad. He quickly ushers him to the exit of the school as he wants to be them home quickly so that he can properly tend to his wounds.

Liam sees Harry and Zayn get out through the doors and he can immediately sense that something is wrong, just by the way Harry has his jaw clenched and Zayn walking with a  slight limp. Every other step, he would wince a little.

He wants to ask Harry what happened, but one look from Harry has him keep his mouth shut. Zayn slowly gets into Harry's car, with him and Zia following suit. The ride to his house is uncomfortable to say the least.

Zia doesn't realize what happened as she tells Zayn about her day. The lad smiles at her and converses actively, something which frustrates Harry a lot. He is in so much pain, and yet here he is, acting so normally.

Harry drags Zayn into his room after he quickly greets his mom. When Anne asks, he quickly crafts a test, for which they should prepare. He properly disinfects Zayn's wounds after which he asks the lad to remove his shirt so he can see his other wounds. Zayn hesitates at first but one firm look from Harry has him peeling his shirt off slowly.

Harry gasps when he sees Zayn's torso. Not only are his bones poking out and his stomach caving inside, but his torso is covered in bruises. He asks Zayn to lie down and quickly retrieves an ice bag for him. 

Zayn feels his eyes slowly start to droop. He tries to keep them open, not wanting to leave Harry alone. He doesn't want him to become bored, and so every time he feels his eyes droop, Zayn shakes himself awake. Harry notices this and runs a hand over his head and soothingly whispers,

"Is'okay babes, go to sleep. I'm right here. I'll be right here when you wake up. Go to sleep..."

That's the last thing Zayn hears before he drifts off into a dreamless, peaceful sleep.

(A/N): Hey guys!! So sorry for the short chapter, I'm really not feeling well today. My hand feels so painful, that it's difficult to type. 

Also, if you haven't yet checked out my another Zarry book, Roses, do check it out. I promise, that is way better than this story.

Let me know what you think about today's chapter!!

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Happy reading!!! :)

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