Chapter 1

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"I'm going under and this time

I feel there's no one to save me"

-Lewis, Someone You Loved

"The scratches on my arms are cat scratches. Except there is no cat."

School is no fun! There, Harry said it. It's not that he doesn't enjoy school, but, nowadays, it's just getting way too hectic. The pressure, the stress, it's all getting too much. What doesn't help is the fact that he is supposed to keep his grades up, in order to get into Uni.

It's total chaos in the lunch room, with students chattering around. Usually that didn't bother him, but today, it did. As Harry tries to block out all the mindless talk, he feels an arm on his shoulder. As he turns to see who it is, he is met with a pair of chocolate brown eyes.

He turns to see all three of his friends staring at him with a confused expression on their faces. It seems as though Niall, Liam and Louis are waiting for an answer from him. Initially, he didn't understand, but soon he realizes that he has, once again, spaced out. With a sheepish grin, he joins back into the conversation, maybe with a little too enthusiasm.

Harry soon realizes that he is supposed to be at the library. He finishes his lunch fast and goes to the library, but not before informing his friends. As soon as he enters the library, he finds it abandoned, just like he expected. It's not like people are dying to read books, and that too at the expense of their lunch period.

But, then he sees him, a tiny figure in the corner of the library. Confusion fills Harry, why is someone over here during lunch? He decides to find out, and with that in head, Harry takes the book he wants and strides over to the boy. As he approaches him, he finds that it is Zayn. As he observes him, he finds out that the lad unhealthy thin. Does he even ever eat?

But now that he thinks back, he has never seen Zayn in the lunch room. And that worries him slightly...he shouldn't be skipping meals, specially when he is as he is. So...thin and gaunt. And while he doesn't wanna seem like a creep, standing and staring at him, Harry can't help but do that. But soon, he snaps out of his thoughts and approaches him.


As soon as he hears his name being called, Zayn snaps out of his dream world and looks up to the owner of the voice. As soon as he sees the person, fear fills and claws at him. It's Harry Styles. And while he hasn't done any such thing for people to be scared of him, it's just the way he carries himself that makes people scurry far away from him.

His eyes usually are cold and hold no emotions. The only emotions Zayn has seen in them are anger. The positive emotions are reserved only for his friends, and considering that he isn't one of Harry's friends, he never has seen them. And so, it is a surprise for Zayn to see a more positive emotion in those eyes...and that too for him.

Harry sees a flash of fear in Zayn's eyes, but they don't go away. Instead, the fear transfers from his eyes to his hands, as they start to slightly tremble. But he doesn't blame Zayn, not really. The whole school fears Harry, for what reason he doesn't know. And all though it hurts him a bit that people fear him, he doesn't let it show.

Instead, he acts as though he is someone they should fear, by acting all cold and distant. But that isn't who he really is. Harry may act all cold and emotionless, but he cares...he does care about people and their well-being a lot. And that is a major reason as to why he finds himself standing here, in front of Zayn.

The Sun and The Moon - On HoldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora