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"We're not who we used to be,

We're just two ghosts standing in the place of you and me."

                                                                                                                                                              -Harry, Two Ghosts 

"I am a shadow of my past self. I am not a nobody. I am not insignificant. I am just ignored."

They said that once a person starts, they can't stop. They said once you enter, there is no exit. They said once you let it in, it'll consume you until it hands you over to the arms of death. They said once you start, you will keep traveling down that road until you crave for death's touch. They said it's destructive, but also pleasing.

Zayn agrees with them, because they said the truth. And more than ever, he agrees with them now, as he stares at the ceiling, nursing his bloodied arm. The soft, silver rays of the Moon were the only source of his light, but he didn't mind. He was used to it.

Sleep evaded him, life was his enemy, love hated him. And he was tired, of it all. He was strong, that's not a question..the real question was: For how long can he remain strong? Because there is only so much a person can handle. Zayn thinks he can remain strong forever, but the poor lad is so wrong. He thinks he is normal, battered and bruised yes, but fine.

What the lad doesn't realize is that he is slowly fading away. Somewhere along the line, he is loosing himself. His once sparkling eyes are now clouded and hooded in sadness. His once chiming and laughing self now has so many unshed tears. His once healthy self is now skinny, tiny and just...lost.

They say, a child is like a plain canvas, just waiting to be filled with life. But this canvas, which goes by the name Zayn, is not filled with life. Instead, he is filled with scars, wounds, self-hate, and whatnot. His painter is harsh with him, handling him as roughly as possible. Children are flowers, but according to him, Zayn is a rag doll.

Ahaan Malik, once who was tender and gentle with his son, is now the total opposite of it. Whose heart was once filled with love, protection and warmth for his son, is now replaced with hate, destruction and coldness. He wasn't always like this...the death of his beloved Saira made him like this.

But what he doesn't realize that Saira's beautiful soul was transferred into the tiny Zia. For the death of one, was the birth of another. But for Ahaan, Zia is the incarnation of the devil, which took away his angel of a wife. While he stores a lot of hate for Zia, he is unable to do anything to her. Why? Because between her and Ahaan stood her wall of a brother: Zayn.

The first time he saw her, Zayn fell immediately for those blue, doe-like eyes. He vowed to protect her from all storms. Now, 6 year old Zayn didn't know what a huge oath he had made. But when Ahaan started his rage and rant, Zayn soon realized it.

Instead of backing away from his promise, he stuck to it. Every time his father tries to harm Zia, Zayn comes in between. He couldn't care less about all the lashes, bruises and injuries he is subjected to. As long as his Zia has her smile intact, as long as his Zia is unharmed, he is okay with anything.

His medicine, his cure is her smile. No matter what pain he is in, one smile from her, and it all vanishes into thin air. As long as Zia is standing, in all her brightness, he doesn't mind being in the shadows. As long as she is radiating happiness, he doesn't mind fading into the dark.

He tries to give her as much love as possible, maybe some more as well. Not only is she lacking the warmth of her mother, but also the protection of her father. And Zayn tries his best to fill her heart with all of that. He tries to give her all of those on behalf of her mom and dad.

Ten years later, and he still stands as high a wall as before. Zia does understand that her father doesn't like her, but Zayn has her protected from all harm, so she doesn't know anything which happens behind her back. But now, Zayn is as well tired. He tries to keep a brave face for Zia, but he is slowly crumbling.

He thinks he is fine, or so his mind makes him pretend. But when ever has such situations been deemed as fine? None in history. And none ever will be. But the lad, who currently is laying down on his bed, doesn't think that.

Zayn feels as though his whole body is on fire. His back, his stomach, his head...just everything. It all is aching so badly, excruciating. But the ache in his heart matches none of these, for that is the worst. His heart aches for happiness, happy days. It misses the good old days and prays that somehow, from somewhere, anywhere, an Angel comes in and swoops him and Zi away from this misery.

He wishes for someone to put a rest to this misery. Not once or twice, but several times a day, he prays for this. Not for his sake, but for Zi's. Sure, she is a kid as of now, and sure he can protect her as of now...but what about later? He doesn't want her to be tarnished from all of this, no matter what. Wherever you are, whoever you are, please come and save least Zi. I don't care about myself, but please help her out. 

That's the last thought he has on his mind. The day's exhaustion, combined with his aching body slowly makes Zayn drift off into a deep, peaceful, dreamless slumber. As the night proceeds, his sleep isn't disturbed, which is a good thing considering he hasn't slept in a minute.

Now, what he doesn't know is that the universe has seen enough. It has given his father enough amount of chances to change, and has now come to the very final decision. To grant his free him and his sister from the monstrous clutches of their father.

In fact, their Angel is sleeping just a few blocks away from their house.

(A/N): Heyyo besties!! So, prologue is up eh. Also, today is 23rd July, 11th Anniversary. How did we get to this point so fast? It legit feels like yesterday when the 10th Anniversary happened.

Anyways, the reason I changed Zayn's dad and sister's names is because..let's be honest. Yaser has been bad in WAY too many books. N sister coz..I like that name.

So, what did you think of the prologue. Who do you think is the Angel? Will Zayn be okay? Can he protect Zia as promised? Lemme know your thoughts.

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Happy reading!!! :) 

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