Chapter 8

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"It's alright, It's okay

We will get another day,

To Begin Again."

-Zayn n Ingrid, To Begin Again

"The horizon may appear dark, but the Sun will definitely rise."

Zayn eyes the food warily, not wanting to eat it. But Rizwan has made the food with such love, he doesn't want to disappoint him. Truth is, he is very much hungry, but he isn't aware of that. His body is so adjusted to hunger that he doesn't feel it anymore.

Rizwan sees the state of Zayn, with him being an unhealthy thin, and decides to supervise his meals. The lad should eat something. But as he sees him sit in front of him, eyeing the food with a foreign expression, Rizwan isn't so sure of his plan.

Zayn picks his spoon and scoops a very tiny portion of the food into his mouth. He slowly chews it, as though testing the waters. The food tastes really good, and so Zayn finds himself chewing his fourth spoon in no time. But then, after the fourth spoon, the taste turns different.

Zayn's stomach starts churning painfully, and before anyone can know what's going on, Zayn pushes himself from the chair and rushes to the bathroom, where he sinks by the toilet. Rizwan runs to the bathroom, only to see Zayn throwing up violently.

Zayn feels someone rub his back in soothing circles, but he doesn't have the energy to around and see who it is. A few minutes later, once he finishes coughing bile up, he flushes the disgusting contents, but makes no efforts to get up. He washes his mouth from the water Rizwan gave.

 Zayn is totally drained of his energy, and so, slowly his eyes close as he drifts off into a slumber. Rizwan watches him drift off to sleep, something which brings a small smile to his face. He carries the lad to the bedroom, where he gently lays him down. He then goes downstairs only to see Zia as well sleeping. He puts her into bed and then settles on the couch with a million thoughts a minute.

When he lifted Zayn, Rizwan could literally feel the lads bones poking him. It feels as though Zayn is only skin and bones, with no muscles. Rizwan really wonders, when was the last time the lad had a proper meal? He is very sure that even Zayn himself doesn't remember. 

"Baba, no, please, don't hurt her! Do what you want to me, not her, Baba pl-"

Zayn feels a stinging on his cheek, and before he knows it, he is on the ground. Tears leak from his eyes as he holds his cheek. This is the first time his Baba hit him. He lifts him up by holding his shirt, before backhanding him on the same cheek again. 

Zayn can hear his sister cry, but he isn't able to do anything to make her stop. He himself is crying from pain. He begs and screams for his Baba to stop, that it hurts, but he doesn't listen. From the distance, he can hear someone call his name.

"Zayn! Jaan wake up!"

Zayn's eyes snap open as he jolts forward. He looks around the room and his eyes settle on Rizwan who is looking at him with concern. His mind goes back to the dream and that is all is required to drive him over the edge.

Rizwan watches as Zayn's eyes widen and his breathes become ragged. It's as though he is going into a trance. He kneels down in front of the lad and tries to shake him out of his reverie. Suddenly, he sees the him reach to his hand, which he starts to scratch.

Rizwan immediately knows what he is doing and pulls his hand back. Zayn's hand twitches, a mechanism which shows in self harmers. Zayn really wants to do it, but he doesn't want Rizwan to know what he is doing. He can feel his arm itch and so he reaches out to scratch, but he feels his hand being pulled back.

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