Chapter 3

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"So let the light guide your way,

Hold every memory as you go.

And every road you take,

Will always lead you home."

-Charlie Puth, See You Again

"Sometimes, I feel like a tissue. Thrown away once used to the maximum."

Harry never knew that Zayn could draw, so when he finds him in the park, on the bench with a sketchbook in hand, he finds it slightly astounding. But now that he thinks back, he realizes that he knows almost close to nothing about Zayn. But he doesn't wanna continue ignoring him.

With that thought in mind, a determined look on his face, Harry walks towards Zayn, who is oblivious to the world round him and is engrossed in his sketch. Though he has a thousand thoughts and questions running all around his head, they all suddenly seem to vanish away when he sees what Zayn is drawing. 

It's a portrait of a small girl...and by the looks of it, it seems as though she is the female version of Zayn. The details with which Zayn is drawing captivates Harry so much that he just stands there like a creep staring at the sketch. He soon realizes what he is doing and slowly backs off, not wanting to disturb Zayn.

But, Harry was so absorbed in the sketch that he forgot to notice two very important things. One, the stream of tears flowing down Zayn's eyes relentlessly. Two, the small but noticeable red lash on his back peaking out through his shirt. One which explains a lot. If only Harry had noticed any of this.

Maybe it's not time yet.

As for Zayn, he is in pain... so much pain. But it isn't the physical pain which is the cause for the tears he is shedding. It is his heart... Today is his Ma's birthday. A day which once used to be filled with joy and celebration, is now filled with pain, distress and hurt. His father was ruthless today, but Zayn doesn't blame him, because he understands.

He doesn't complain as well, not that he does any other time, because today...he needs the pain. He needs the pain to make sure that he isn't going numb, he needs the pain to be his constant reminder to the essence of feeling things, he needs the pain... to keep him sane, to keep him floating.

Zayn wonders whether he could drown in his own tears...he has shed so many, that there is a high possibility. He thinks of how it would be, to drown in ones own tears, in ones own misery. He finds the idea fascinating and intriguing but also hauntingly disturbing. To claw and try to swim out...only to be pushed back into the depths of a substance which is a part of you...which is you. That basically means...

Drowning and dying in a mess...which is nothing but you, or at least a fragment of you.

Zayn finishes the sketch and looks at it, with a satisfied sigh and packs up his things. He left Zia at Mrs. Brown's house as it is not safe to leave her alone in the house when his dad could barge in through the door any time. And he doesn't wanna take her to where he is going...because, no matter how much he loves her, he just cannot bring himself to share this piece of his life with her.

Harry was sitting on a nearby bench all this time, just quietly observing Zayn. He thinks that Zayn is just doing a sketch, so when Zayn swipes his fingers under his eyes and across his cheeks, Harry gets worried. He quietly packs his things and starts to leave the park, and that's when Harry takes the impulsive decision to follow him.

Harry knows better than to get closer to Zayn. He doesn't want the lad to think that he is some sort of a creep, even though he surely is acting like one. He follows him, and follows and follows some more. His legs had started to tire out and ache, but he kept on. How does Zayn walk so much and not get tired?

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