Chapter 5

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"Tears filled my eyes

When my little girl asked me why"

-Jason Michael Carroll, Alyssa Lies

"A million tears can't bring you back, I know this because I tried."

Harry does what he is told to do. He stays by Zayn's side, protects him, and does everything he can to make the lad smile. Chad doesn't stop troubling Zayn, he stays quite which makes him an easy target, but Harry isn't one to stay quite. He always stays by and protects the lad.

Through the days, Zayn starts to open up, a little bit everyday, but it still is a progress. He holds small, meaningless conversations with Harry. Although, he doesn't speak about his personal life, Harry doesn't pry as well, he doesn't want to make him uncomfortable.

Zayn has started to even look Liam, Louis and Niall in the eye and speak to them. Not much, just a word or two... but that's still a lot of progress. He even talks to Rizwan sometimes, and though they are just meaningless talks, Rizwan is always so happy to see his nephew smile. Zayn reminds him of Saira, they have the same smile. Harry is so happy seeing this progress in the lad, and Zayn himself is happy.

Harry starts to feel things for Zayn, something more than just protection. He adores the lad, so much that he isn't able to exactly pin point as to what it is. But it sure is something he has never felt. Every time he is around Zayn, it's as though the world stops for him.

He finds himself gravitating towards the hazel eyed boy, its just something he does subconsciously. When he looks into those mysterious, swirling circles of hazel, which nowadays are filled with a tiny twinkle, Harry's heart skips a beat.

When he sees a smile on Zayn's face, no matter how small it is, his stomach squeezes. And while that is usually uncomfortable, this time, Harry welcomes it. It is pleasant. Harry adores the way Zayn's eyes turn slightly green under the sunlight, he adores the little freckle in his left eye, he adores the way Zayn sticks his tongue out while concentrating... in total, he adores the boy.

But it isn't just Harry who adores the boy. Anne as well has grown quite fond of Zayn, but in a way totally different from Harry. While before she liked the lad, now she loves him and even Zia. She treats them as her own kids, showering both of them with hugs and kisses, not to forget... love. Zia soaked it all up, but Zayn felt guilty in the start.

Anne knew exactly what happened and so did Harry. It was only after one day in school, where Harry gave him a lecture, but a gentle one, saying that he wants to share his mom's love with Zayn, that he as well starts soaking the love up. And now, Zayn welcomes her hugs, returning them with so much emotions that Anne is always moved.

He hugs Anne with so much emotions, he holds her for long. It's as though he is scared that he will loose her, just like he lost his Ma. And he always shudders at the thought. Anne can feel his mood change during the hug, she knows that he is thinking about his mum, and comforts him when she senses his discomfort and distress.

Today, Zayn is dreading talking to Harry. He is scared of what his reaction might be. So, when he comes and sits beside him, Zayn starts fumbling and fidgeting due to nerves. Harry picks up on this and immediately asks him what's wrong, but shuts up when Zayn asks him to give him a minute. After he composes himself, Zayn slowly speaks up.

"H-Harry promise me y-you won't judge me or l-leave me."

Harry has all sorts of emotions running and coursing through him right now. He is happy that Zayn's stuttering has reduced significantly, he is worried seeing Zayn so distressed, he is glad that he trusts him and he is anticipating what Zayn may say. What has he done that makes him think I will judge or leave him? But nonetheless, he promises Zayn, who sighs a sigh of relief before speaking.

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