Chapter 7

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"Need a chance just to breathe, feel alive.

And when the day meets the night, show me the light"

-Zayn, Good Years

"I am fine basically means I'm hurting, nearly dead on the inside and need company."

Zayn wants to be happy, he wants to just be happy, is that so tough a wish to ask for? It isn't that he isn't happy, but the situation in his house is getting worse by the day and it getting really difficult for him to keep Zia away from all this.

For the first time in long, Zayn has even accepted that it is becoming difficult for him. It gets increasingly difficult for him to even get up from his bed as the days progress. The only thing which helps him is the thought of Harry being there to greet him when they get to school.

Harry and Zayn made things official on the day of their kiss. One which was so memorable for Zayn for it was his first kiss. He had imagined his first kiss to be sloppy and awkward, but that was none of those things. If anything, it was magical, it was heavenly.

Harry's friends had accepted them happily and supported them. All three of them were internally cheering when they saw the couple come back halfway through the lunch hour that day and by their postures they knew right away. They were so close to each other and each had an invisible glow around them, with smiles plastered on their faces.

Zayn and Harry requested them to not let anyone know, they didn't want to be in the public. Harry does not want to give anyone any reasons to trouble or harm Zayn. The lad is extremely protective of him, something which the three musketeers find very adorable. And Zayn is happy, to some extent, and he is content with that, to some extent.

But today, that is not the case. As soon as he sees how angry his dad is, he immediately sends Zia to Mrs. Brown's house, telling her that some emergency had come up. She, being the sweet lady that she is, agreed to keep Zia company. Zayn dreads going back home, but he knows he has to. He isn't sure if he has the strength to deal with it today, but he still trudges slowly.

To say Ahaan is being brutal is going to be an understatement. He is ruthless and is not giving Zayn a minute for a breathe also. Zayn allows screams out considering Zia isn't around and to be honest, he doesn't think he can contain them inside.

Crystal, transparent droplets of sweat trickle down his neck, travelling their way to his back, which is covered in blue, purple and red. His head is pounding, his abdomen feels as though its on fire. Maybe it is, just not on the actual fire. His jet black hair is pasted to his head, the sweat and blood acting as glue.

Red covers him, sticks to him like a second skin. His head, his back, his leg, hands... it is everywhere and the loss of blood is making him extremely weak. But he tries to stay awake. It even covers the floor, small puddles staining the floor, but he doesn't notice them. The main concern right now for him is to stay awake.

Zayn is so tired and so done, but Ahaan doesn't notice it. Or maybe he does, but just doesn't care. All he sees is red, he wants Zia to suffer, but considering her useless of a brother refuses to let him do so, be it! Ahaan doesn't want to harm Zayn, he is his son, but that devil, Zia, she is a girl. So it doesn't matter anyways. But no! Zayn just doesn't understand does he?

It has been long since Rizwan had met his nephew, so he decides to give him a visit. As he nears the lad's house, he hears shouting from the other side of the door. The voice of the man is very familiar to him- Ahaan! His blood boils ferociously. Just as he is about to knock on the door, Rizwan hears a scream, more specifically Zayn's scream.

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