The most intense letter

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Scott POV

I worked the concession stand with Gwen. Today we were giving out balloons as well as sweets and drinks. After we were done, I went to go see Dawn who carrying clean water for the goats. She struggled to carry one bucket while the other was being held up by a group of birds. I went up to her and helped out.

"Thanks Scott." She said smiling as she refilled the water and one of the goats cuddled up to her leg.

"No problem." I responded. Now the goat cuddling her was glaring at me.

"Anyway, here's a copy of the letter." Dawn said holding out a piece of paper. "I know you'll probably feel embarrassed and ashamed but the letter was sweet."

I ran off to a private area and read the message

Dear Dawn,

I'm sorry for everything I've done to you. I'd ruin your perfect blonde hair by putting gum in it and started a rumor that you were a witch. When I saw what the other kids did to you, I was ashamed. At first, I didn't realize I liked you.

I'd stare at you too long or spend hours wondering what makes you so magical. You're sweet and have a big heart. Plus, you always do what's right. Like the one time we found $100 and you spent all day tracking down the owner. I don't know if you remember but once we made a promise as young kids that we'd be together forever. I got you flowers.

Once again, I'm sorry for ruining your life. I hurt you so much and I can never forgive myself for being such a horrible friend. Just know that I love you.

Love Scott

"You done?" Dawn asked from behind me. I turned red and twisted around.

"Yeah..." I said flustered.

"You should know that I really do forgive you. In fact, if it wasn't for your bullying and everyone else's bullying I wouldn't be the strong person I am today. So don't feel bad ok." Dawn said patting my head. "You also helped whenever no one was looking so I appreciate that."

"Thanks Dawn." I said giving her a hug. I remember when some boys at camp ganged up to her and called her witch before burning her arm. I was so angry that I threw rocks at them from behind a tree. Or how someone would write something nasty and tape it in her back and i'd throw it away. Maybe I wasn't as bad as I thought.

Courtney POV

It was interesting listening to grandma Winter's many love stories from throughout her life. She asked me to go upstairs into the attic and friend some letters. Though it took a couple of hours it was worth the wait.

Scott POV

"Do you remember Dawn Evergarden." I asked Sammy as the two of us hung upside down at a playground. She was volunteering at an orphanage. Some kids sat and watched us.

"Long blonde hair... lovely blue eyes... and she was mysterious and gorgeous. Yep, I remember her."

"Yes, that Dawn... remember that letter I wrote. I actually wrote a couple more and one was to Dawn." Sammy fell off the jungle gym.

"No way." She said rubbing her head and looking up at me. I attempted to get myself safely off the ground but I also fell and hit my head. Sammy laughed and reached for my hand. I grabbed it and stood up.

"I work with her now... and I don't really know what to do. "I said. "I love Courtney but I'm scared that Dawn likes me or that I still like her."

"You're lucky... at least you have options. There is only one other lesbian at our school and she isn't my type. And the only bisexual girl is dating her. "she said thinking about Frankie and Izzy.

"Well someday they'll be girls fighting over you because you're amazing. You'll be away from your sister and going out into the world alone." I said hugging my friend. "You'll find the one."

This is a short chapter so let's have some fun

Why do orphans love boomerangs?
Because they actually come back.

Why are orphans so bad at poker?
they don't know what a full house is

Why did most orphans become prostitutes?
Because they wanted a daddy.

How are apples and orphans different?
Apples get picked

What does a website for orphans look like?
Pretty empty, there's not even a homepage.

Why do orphans have 363 days in a year?
Because they have no Father's or Mother's Day.

What kind of a cake can orphans not have?

Why can you bully orphans? What are they gonna do, tell their parents?

Why don't orphans play hide and seek?
Because no one will look for them.

What type of flour do you buy an orphan?
Self raising.

Why couldn't the orphan watch the movie?
Because it was PG

Why do orphans like tennis?
Only place they can get love

To All The Girls I Loved Before (Total Drama)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن