Ski trip

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"Still can't believe you tricked me into going on one of these." Shawn sighed as we stood outside the bus.

"Come on man. Jasmine and Sammy will be here too. I said pointing to the two girls who were talking about something. I noticed Sammy had a slight blush. I felt bad for her. She didn't even have to tell me but I knew Jasmine was the girl she had feelings for. There was an openly lesbian girl at our school. But Frankie was intimidating.

"I guess it'll be ok." He sighed as we walked on the bus. When we got on Courtney patted the seat next to her when she spotted me. I just walked past. She looked back at us angrily as we sat down together.

"Bro... I think you were supposed to sit next to her. She's your girlfriend." Shawn whispered looking at Courtney who was shooting daggers at me. Duncan slid into the seat next to her.

"It doesn't matter. Seats taken." I shrugged.

"BY HER EX THAT JUST DUMPED GWEN." Shawn whispered yelled.

"Scott, I know that you're trying to be nicer but you should really consider being more protective of your girlfriend." Cameron said turning around and looking at me. I was shocked the boy who literally rolled around in a bubble until last year was talking to me. "You don't have to hold back if Duncan is involved. Everyone likes you and Courtney together."

"It's ok Cameron. I'm sure they'll be back together soon." I said smiling sadly. He and Shawn gave each other worried looks but I ignored them and looked out the window. I was getting advice from someone I used to torment. Maybe I was growing weaker.

"You're seriously letting your girlfriend teach him how to Skii." Shawn said glaring at Duncan who was getting too close to Courtney. We'd just finished skiing down a slope.

"You're too much of a sweetheart Scott. You have stomp that skunk." Amy said. "Or perhaps date a girl who's worth your time." The blonde twin said flirting with me. I looked at her wide eyed. Sammy looked pretty shocked too.

I spent the first two days of the trip hanging out with Shawn, the twins, Jasmine, and sometimes Cameron and Mike. Courtney spent a lot of her time with her friends or Duncan.

On the last day of the trip, I went into the lounge and saw Courtney and Bridgette drinking hot cocoa together.

"Hey Courtney." I said smiling at her.

"Oh, hi Scott." She said blankly not seeming to really care. Her voice seemed surprisingly cold causing Bridgette to get uncomfortable.

"I'm going to go find Geoff.... He's probably in the hot tub with Dj." She said running off.

"I can't believe you didn't sit with me on the bus on the way here. Plus, you barely spoke to me." She said looking angry.

"But you got to sit with Duncan. I thought I was doings the right thing." I said confused.

"You're my boyfriend though. We were supposed to hang out this weekend." She screamed.

"We're not really dating though. I don't get why you're so mad."

"I got you those really good limited time pumpkin latte muffins that's why!" She yelled. "They all went to waste and Duncan and the girls ate them. I knew you wanted some so I walked alone late at night to buy them the day before the trip." She pouted.

"I'm so sorry." I said thinking of the delicious muffins I missed out on.

"And it's not just that. I... like you." She said full on blushing.

"Wait... what?" I asked shocked. The words I wanted to hear most from Courtney just came out. "But what about Duncan?" I asked.

"What about that idiot? We're broken up." Courtney said scrunching her nose.

To All The Girls I Loved Before (Total Drama)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin