The party

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"Who were the other girls by the way?" Courtney asked me as we studied together in the park

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"Who were the other girls by the way?" Courtney asked me as we studied together in the park.

"You really want to know?" I asked knowing she'd probably judge me. She nodded and I sighed.

"Meghan from camp..." I began.

"She was pretty cute. But really annoying. Her and Heather were such little demons." Courtney said interrupting me.

"Sammy and Dawn."

"Didn't you bully Dawn?" Courtney asked wide eyed. "You would constantly make fun of her."

"Of course, I did, I was a child and didn't know how to deal with my feelings for her." I said looking back on how bad I treated her during middle school. Once, I convinced the whole school she was stealing stuff and made people believe she was a witch. I'd also do petty things like put gum in her hair and trip her. She probably hated me now. I heard she went off to some fancy private school because of her perfect grades. "She probably hates me."

"I don't really think Dawn holds grudges. She's still pretty good friends with Brittany and we went to her flute concert last year." Courtney said. "Want me to call her?" She asked sitting closer to me and taking out her phone.

"What now?" I asked furiously blushing. "Please not right now. I have to get myself ready? What if I sound weird?" What would an older Dawn be like? Would she still be the soft sweetheart she was now?

"Fine I'll just give you her number. Just in case you ever want to make up with her."

Even though I phone number of one of my biggest crushes growing up I knew I'd probably never call Dawn. It was still nice to know she was out there somewhere, existing peacefully. I wondered if she ever thought of me too.

That night I ended up looking up Dawn and stumbled upon her Instagram. Most of it were pictures of beautiful scenery or animals she rescued. She didn't take much selfies of herself but there was one really cute one of her taken a couple of months ago. Dawn's light blue eyes were filled with joy as she hugged a polar bear. She wore a heavy pink coat with a blue beanie. Her blonde hair was a lot longer and crazier than before.

"Beautiful." I whispered to myself as I looked at the picture as me and Shawn hung out in his room.

"I know. My knife collection is gorgeous." He said smiling at his wall covered in weapons.

"Yeah...." I said. After a while a message popped up on my phone.

Party 2nite

It felt weird as I stood outside the Barlow's house. Both of Courtney's parents' cars were parked outside. I knew I'd have to see them eventually but it felt too soon. I knocked on the door and the person who answered was Mr. Barlow. A tall and handsome Hispanic male with elegant features. He looked exactly like I remembered him but with some grey hairs.

To All The Girls I Loved Before (Total Drama)Where stories live. Discover now